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September 23rd, 2013, 05:43 PM
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Withstand La Baronne
And one more new scen here:
Withstand La Baronne*
(part of Battle of Lagarde)
Date: 18th June 1940*
Location: La Baronne forest, Xousse-Avricourt sector, Lorraigne, France *
Type: Polish defence vs. German assault*
Design: Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza*
After the fall of Poland in 1939, Polish government in exile tried to organize various formations equipped and trained by the allies, such as France. One of formations created was 1st Grenadier Division, commanded by general Duch. Division consisted of 3 combat regiments and was deployed for combat on 6th June. Division was in constant retreat since baptism of fire. The engagement that put the end to it was so called battle of Lagarde.
12th June was a day of German breakthrough at Marne, 4th Army sector of gen. Pretalat. 1DG was ordered to conduct delaying action against the Germans. Polish troops protected and lost a couple of villages like Azoudagne, Moussey and Assenoncourt. Though successful delay at these three was made, the Division suffered heavy losses and several battalions were put behind the main line of defence. Polish deployed themselves at La Baronne forest, between villages of Xousse and Avricourt. The most fresh units, 1st Battalion of 3rd Grenadier Regiment and 3rd Battalion of 1st Grenadier Regiment made up defensive positions. These units faced powerful German frontal assaults of 75. Infanterie Division, commanded by general Hammer. Yet, Polish troops were able to hold positions. In the evening though, french regiment of Colonel Dagnan fell on polish right flank and grenadiers were overrun by flanking German force.
Afterwards, desperate and dramatic retreat occured. Colonel Wnuk, commanding that sector sent to fight whoever he could, yet formation (made mostly from polish citizens in France) suffered heavy dezertions. Finally, entire polish division, of whoever from Grenadiers was left, made their last stand at Bacarrat ridge - but that was 19th of June already and within two days French army situation turned from bad to dramatic.
Finally, on 21st of June general Duch gave order 4444, which meant Division is disbanded and units are tasked to make their way towards Switzerland or Mediterenian harbours.
NOTES: This battle is historical. Terrain is recreated as accurately as it can be done, units deployment and their equipment as well. Surnames of polish troops, mainly every platoon leader, are also historical. This moment of battle depicts the final frontal assault of 75ID and flanking maneouver affecting polish troops after fall of Dagnan Regiment.
Source: http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/3_Pu%C5...9Al%C4%85skich, http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/1_Pu%C5...3%B3w_Warszawy. These sources quote after Stanisław Komornicki: Wojsko Polskie 1939-1945 : barwa i broń. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Interpress, 1984. ISBN 83-223-2055-8., Józef Smoliński: Polskie Siły Zbrojne na Zachodzie : 1939-1945. Warszawa: "Egros", 1997. ISBN 83-86268-66-2., Józef Smoliński: 1 Pułk Grenadierów Warszawy. Pruszków: Ajaks, 1995. ISBN 83-85621-64-4.

October 14th, 2013, 09:52 AM
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Re: Withstand La Baronne
Anyone tried that possibly? I know scenarios are infantry heavy, but there is no feedback at all?

August 17th, 2016, 08:02 PM
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Re: Withstand La Baronne
I was scrolling the forums recently and I found this old scenario of mine. I believe it was omitted in game patches.
Did anyone played it and passed this one? I hope this is not too diggy as for nearly 3 years :P

August 17th, 2016, 08:18 PM
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Re: Withstand La Baronne
It's on the list for the next patch now

August 22nd, 2016, 02:44 PM
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Re: Withstand La Baronne
Spent the weekend playing this challenging scenario. It is well worth adding to the next patch.
I managed an MV but it took a lot of work.
If the Polish player stays static he will get slaughtered.
I pulled back into the woods in the north after the lead German units got within 500m and managed to chew them up with ambushes in the woods and arty fire.
Grand Pre was quickly overrun but I managed to stop the advance with concentrated arty fire and held Avicourt until I was pushed out by the second wave. Stragglers hiding in the town managed to retake it later.
A few patrols managed to get into the German rear and destroyed several mortar units.
I will be trying the scenario as Germany to see how far they could have gotten had they used more smoke and if the Poles had not retreated into the woods.
My suggestions are to add a few Polish snipers and a few German scouts.
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August 22nd, 2016, 05:00 PM
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Re: Withstand La Baronne
One further observation: The rally % of most of the Polish units was below 50% so once they broke they were out of action for a long time. This made them easy to pin and destroy using fire and move tactics.
I can understand morale being low since their country had been defeated but I had not heard of their Officers/NCOs being ineffective.
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August 22nd, 2016, 06:14 PM
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Re: Withstand La Baronne
I will think about snipers, that could be a sort of addition. Thing is there was historically lack of those. I read a book, not sure if released in English, written by veterans of that division. La Baronne engagement - key one of battle of Lagarde - was fought from very static position against single, strong German wave. It all went to hell only after Colonel Dagnan's force suddenly broke to the south, what is represented by you know what (I would like to avoid spoilers for others :P)
As of rally... no units are modified when comes to exp/mor settings, only all 0 units (platoon leaders) have their surnames changed as entire list of all troops of the division is available. Poland in 1940 comes with 65/55 setting. Which is good, as officers are experienced after 1939 and they took extensive training prior. Privates however were mostly recruited from polish minority in France, only small percent managed to make their way from occupied country.
This book does not state this directly (as it would be serious self-criticism), but in the later stages division suffered from lots of desertions, as many troops felt connected to France and refused to conduct fighting withdrawal to the end.
So I wonder if that should not me for decreased rally? Also, isn't rally assigned basing on exp and morale of particular unit?
PS: If anyone wanted, I also have detailed polish book about Carpathian Rifles - including detailed depiction of Carmusset er Regem battle (present as scenario in SPWW2), but also Tobruk combat in general.
As for other scenarios, I have a huge list - I want to make a lot of Sicily, Fustian, Ladbroke, Gela (probably as 2-3 scenarios) and Centuripe.
Finally, I still have untouched book about General Maczek's 1st Polish Armoured Division. They had pretty rough fight work depicting. I will see what I can do 

August 22nd, 2016, 11:41 PM
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Re: Withstand La Baronne
Since the books says that their defense was static (I am assuming from prepared positions) maybe some sandbag foxholes or other minor fortifications could be added to simulate these.
Just noticed that I have been promoted to Corporal. 

August 24th, 2016, 02:35 AM
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Re: Withstand La Baronne
Bit of a cake walk as the Germans.
Using arty to pin the Polish units and then closing in for the kill I cleared the towns before the reinforcements even arrived and cleared the woods by turn 30.
Air strikes took out the rear area units moving forward.
AI failed to keep up a constant arty barrage when my units were sighted so they were able to move out of the danger zone with minimal damage. The AI kept shelling me rear area units rather than using arty fire to slow my forward advance.
Still was a fun scenario. Gave me a chance to do a classic infantry advance under fire.

August 31st, 2016, 09:51 AM
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Re: Withstand La Baronne
Originally Posted by SaS TrooP
Withstand La Baronne*
(part of Battle of Lagarde)
Date: 18th June 1940*
Location: La Baronne forest, Xousse-Avricourt sector, Lorraigne, France
NOTES: This battle is historical. Terrain is recreated as accurately as it can be done, units deployment and their equipment as well. Surnames of polish troops, mainly every platoon leader, are also historical.
Is 'Lorraigne' the english word for french 'Lorraine', or there is faulty added 'g'? just to correct if historical and made official scenario. The remaining french names seem good.
Last edited by ERISS; August 31st, 2016 at 10:01 AM..
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