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May 9th, 2018, 02:50 AM
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Re: Height Maps

May 9th, 2018, 06:37 AM
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Re: Height Maps
I think that serves the purpose well but the files do end up a bit on the large size .IDK how that would impact your server. Maybe it needs to be a " do you want a hex grid map ( 8-14mb approx ) Y/ N ? check box ?
Perhaps to save MB's just use the smaller map only view. A satellite overview is handy but perhaps not so much with the MB it adds. Thinking that basic map view is good enough

May 9th, 2018, 07:57 AM
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Re: Height Maps
Hey this is a pretty neat tool. Still trying to figure it all out. Would it be possible to also display the cities/town names in English? My Cyrillic, Arabic (was trying some NA maps) and other reading of languages is not that grand.
Thanks for this tool.

May 9th, 2018, 08:28 AM
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Re: Height Maps
Originally Posted by DRG
I think that serves the purpose well but the files do end up a bit on the large size .IDK how that would impact your server. Maybe it needs to be a " do you want a hex grid map ( 8-14mb approx ) Y/ N ? check box ?
Perhaps to save MB's just use the smaller map only view. A satellite overview is handy but perhaps not so much with the MB it adds. Thinking that basic map view is good enough
Well, I'll put that image option to default "None" so people will only pick it if they really want it. And since we sold the dotcom last year I had to move everything to a dedicated server and there's not much to do for that server apart from serving HTTP requests and creating SPMBT maps.
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May 9th, 2018, 08:30 AM
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Re: Height Maps
Originally Posted by zovs66
Hey this is a pretty neat tool. Still trying to figure it all out. Would it be possible to also display the cities/town names in English? My Cyrillic, Arabic (was trying some NA maps) and other reading of languages is not that grand.
Thanks for this tool.
The names come from the OpenStreetMap data and they are written in the image files themselves, so I can't help with that except by providing some help with cyrillic letters.
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May 9th, 2018, 09:00 AM
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Re: Height Maps
Is this Smolensk?
Tried to take a screen shot but the image is too big for this forum (300 kb)??!

May 11th, 2018, 02:44 AM
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Re: Height Maps
Thanks for your time and updating this its a very good tool
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May 11th, 2018, 03:21 AM
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Re: Height Maps
Smolensk = Смоленск
А,а = A, like u in "dust".
Б,б = B, as in bee
В,в = V, as in Victor
Г,г = G, as in good
Д,д = D, as in David
Е,е = E or Ye, as in Yeltsin
Ё,ё = O or Yo, as in York
Ж,ж = Zh, no direct equivalent. A bit like Z in zebra but further back; try saying Zhebra and you're close.
З,з = Z, as in zebra
И,и = I, as in bit
Й,й = short I, no direct equivalent.
К,к = K as in kick
Л,л = L as in last. Pronounced softer than the English counterpart.
М,м = M as in Maria
Н,н = N as in Nick
О,о = O as in Ohio
П,п = P as in happy
Р,р = rolling R but otherwise as in Roger
С,с = sharp S as in sit
Т,т = T as in tea
У,у = U like o in food
Ф,ф = F as in fit
Х,х = rough H or Kh, no direct equivalent, as in Khaled
Ц,ц = Ts, as in cats
Ч,ч = Ch, as in check
Ш,ш = Sh, as in shark
Щ,щ = Shch, no direct equivalent. Softer version of Sh.
Ъ,ъ = Hard sign, affects only pronounciation, sometimes marked with '
Ь,ь = Soft sign, affects only pronounciation
Ы,ы = Y (or I made in the rear in mouth), practically replaceable with either I or Y.
Э,э = E in the start of a word, as in electricity
Ю,ю = U or Yu, as in Yugoslavia
Я,я = A or Ya, a bit like in yard but shorter
Ye, Yo, Yu and Ya may fuse in pronounciation into the consonant before them to form a softer version of that; compare with N in newt and N in nephew.
Хорошего дня!
Khoroshego dnya! (have a nice day!)
There's also a script type (and handwritten type) which have some differences, but let's not go there.
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May 11th, 2018, 03:42 AM
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Re: Height Maps
Нощ дяЗ УФЦ ??
Пот Ъдф , ТндЖ

May 11th, 2018, 04:05 AM
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Re: Height Maps
Just a clarification: Smolensk is pronounced more like Smaliensk (stress on e). link for that: https://translate.google.gr/?hl=el#en/ru/smolensk
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