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Old February 29th, 2020, 03:31 PM
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Exclamation winSPWW2 version 9.0 - 13.0 Consolidation patch 2020

winSPWW2 version 9.0 - 13.0 Consolidation patch

( the 2020 patch updates any version of winSPWW2 ver 9.0 and up to Version 13.0 )


89 New Scenarios
85 Revised Scenarios
9 Revised Campaigns
28 New or Revised maps
167 New or Revised OOB Photos
36 Updated OOB files
382 New or Revised vehicle/aircraft Icons
195 New or Revised Encyclopaedia Text file
2 revised sound files

  • "Bug" fixed----Abandoned vehicles sometimes became spotted to the enemy side if you manually exited the crew of a vehicle. This will no longer happen.

  • Crew size "Bug" fix --crews occasionally had the wrong size when exiting a vehicle. All crew will now correctly be size 1 when they bailout

  • Artillery overload penalties will no longer be charged for scenarios. User Campaigns remain as before with arty overload penalties charged.

  • Ammo containers are now classed as non-vehicle loads, so they can fit into transport planes for example even if it only had a personnel-only lift capacity. In addition, the "crew" is not separated from them when loaded onto transport planes for a para drop, so they drop as a unit.

  • Scenario limit now extended to 3000. *SEE NOTE BELOW

  • Pressing the plus (+) or minus (-) key will allow players to zoom the map in and out during the AI's turn. Be aware that this is a command that needs to "wait it's turn" if the AI is in the middle of a move or resolving combat the map will not zoom in and out instantaneously as it would if it was your turn and that's all the game had to do, so, if you press the plus (+) or minus (-) key during the AI's turn it may take a few seconds for that command to reach the front of the queue but now if you had pressed end turn and had the map zoomed all the way in or out you can now get it to where you want it to be while the AI plays out its turn. Just remember it may take a few seconds to react.

  • Old Bug fixed... If P1 was set to XXX points and P2 to a value, the number of points given to P1 was incorrect as a percentage of the points higher or lower than the value set for P2 depending on the battle type. This, we discovered, had not worked for decades probably right back to SP2. It will work correctly now.

  • The points assigned to older campaigns for purchase, rebuild and support have been reviewed and updated to closer match the current cost calculators points to better reflect what the original designer intended players to have available.

  • CD owners Only A new feature has been added to the version of the Map Generator that is in the extended map editor that allows existing map contours to be used with some limited functionality of the map generator that can to some degree speed up the process of map-making. Full instructions on its use and limitations are in the Game Guide's (CD) only Features at the end of the Guide

Because we were getting close to full for scenarios in winSPWW2 we decided to increase the number of scenarios allowed to a number we felt sure would never be reached. As a result, the entire numbering system had to be changed and unfortunately it had to be changed for all existing scenarios as well as it was impossible to allow use of both the old and new systems together so for the 2020 release both games have had their numbering system revised and both game now have 3000 scenario slots. A full set of renamed scenario files for both games has been included with the 2020 patch upgrade but this means everyone will now have both the old and new scenarios in their scenarios folder. The old files can stay in the scenario folder and have no effect on the game but if you want to clean out the old files they can easily be found and removed.

One advantage of the new numbering systems is that it is no longer possible to confuse an MBT scenario for a WW2 one as each is now identified by game whereas in the past both games used the same identifying system for their scenarios---(Spscnxxx) and each scenario will include a .DAT ( the scenario data file ) a .CMT ( the file that the game reads and displays the scenario name and a .TXT file ( that contains the write up describing the scenario ).

For WW2 the new numbering system looks like this for each of the three file types:


If you sort the files in the folder by name the old and the new files will separate very distinctly and once the patch is installed you can delete all the old ones that use the Spscnxxx format.

Here is what to look for

However, if you have personal scenarios you have built and want to keep or if you have some you are in the process of creating you should make a note of where they are in your files and you can manually change them using the MBT format for MBT or the WW2 format for WW2. It is important to remember that the old system used three digits (Spscnxxx) and the new system uses four ( SpWW2Scnxxxx or SpMBTScnxxxx ). The good news is there are now 3000 slots available so for WIP scenarios we HIGHLY RECOMMEND you renumber them from whatever slots you have now and add a 1 or a 2 as the first of the four digits and that way your WIP scenarios will be saved well out of the way of any that might be released in the near future. There is a new Scenhack included with the 2020 patch that is fully compatible with the new 3000 slot format so once renamed to the new format they can easily be moved around.

Please also be advised that we have marked slots 975-998 as "Reserved for Campaign Creation" as the campaign builder uses 1000 as a critical stop point so any scenarios that are transferred into a campaign have to come from files numbered under 1000. Slot 999 remains the scenario AUTOSAVE slot.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	OLD_NEW  scenarios WW2.png
Views:	3070
Size:	18.3 KB
ID:	15942  

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?


Last edited by DRG; April 10th, 2020 at 04:45 AM..
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Old March 17th, 2020, 02:36 PM
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Default Re: winSPWW2 version 9.0 - 13.0 Consolidation patch 2020

Here is the first part of the list of new or revised Icons added to winSPWW2 V13

(19,65): 13 Pz-35(t) ********REVISED WinSPww2 v13
(47,130): 36 Stug-III B 26 36 REV-V6 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(48,102): 418 Panther 27 28 418 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(167,87): 138 Med Truck 14 138 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(320,76): 471 Type 3 Ka-Chi 36 37 471 NEW-V4 REV winSPWW2 v13
(338,107): 686 Type 4 Ka-Tsu 66 686 NEW-V4 REVISED winSPWW2 V8***Revised WinSPWW2v13
(372,98): 473 Skoda LT vz.35 29 30 473 ******new Winspww2****REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(387,75): 216 AMC-34 YR 11 12 216 do ****NEW winSPWW2 v13
(388,72): 217 CKD R-2 13 14 217 ****NEW winSPWW2 v13
(390,77): 219 37M Hansa-Lloyd 17 - 219 ****NEW winSPWW2 v13
(393,80): 333 JS-III 22 23 333 REV-V6 ****REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(398,84): 338 AS 37 ( Italian) 28 - 338 ****REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(405,67): 223 Rubber raft 2 223 REV winspww2 v13
(409,70): 227 GREEN RUBBER RAFT 6 227 REV winspww2 v13
(412,92): 230 LCS 9 2159 230 SHARED "INVISIBLE" TURRET REV winspww2 v13
(414,129): 232 LVT(4) BUFFALO 11 2159 232 REV-V6 SHARED "INVISIBLE" TURRET REV WinSPWW2 v8**REV winspww2 v13
(416,93): 234 LVT(A) 1 14 15 234 REV-V6 REV WinSPWW2 v8**REV winspww2 v13
(419,72): 237 BROWN Rubber raft 18 237 REV winspww2 v13
(446,107): 253 Morane-Saulnier M.S.406( FRENCH) 12 253 REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(447,118): 254 Italian CR.42 Falco 13 254 REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(448,118): 255 Italian RE-2001 14 255 REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(449,119): 256 Italian MC-202 15 256 REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(462,115): 323 Reggiane Re-2002 28 323 REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(469,105): 422 Douglas C-47 Skytrain (USA-Invasion Stripes) 35 422 REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(470,104): 423 Douglas C-47 / Dakota ( BRIT ETO Invasion) 36 423 REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(471,119): 424 Polikarpov U-2 37 424 REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(476,54): 269 A-26 0 269 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(477,71): 270 B-26 1 270 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(483,88): 276 P-39/400 Aircobra Early USA 7 276 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(484,123): 277 P-63 Kingcobra --Russian 8 277 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(486,81): 279 B-25 Mitchell USA 10 279 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(500,125): 293 CR.42 Falco ( Hungarian) 24 293 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(501,125): 294 Stuka ( Hungary ) 25 294 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(504,73): 340 Me-109g 28 340 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(508,78): 348 L4 Grasshopper 32 348 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(512,75): 427 Sukhoi Su-2 36 427 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(525,68): 358 Do 17 7 358 ******REV WinSPWW2 v13
(537,86): 370 Westland Lysander ( Brit) 19 370 ******REV WinSPWW2 v13
(545,84): 378 Ju-52 ( German ) 27 378 ******* Revised winSPWW2v13
(546,84): 379 Ju-52 (Spanish ) 28 379 ******* Revised winSPWW2v13
(605,79): 490 Cr.42 ( Croatia ) 12 490 ***** NEW winSPWW2 v13
(609,123): 494 Cr.42LW ( Germany ) 16 494 ***** NEW winSPWW2 v13
(612,127): 497 Consolodated PBY-5a 19 497 ***** REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(633,134): 924 ROM-JU52 40 924 NEW-V5 ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(662,125): 953 NSP-CASA-C-17 (Do 17) 69 953 NEW-V5 ******REV WinSPWW2 v13
(664,128): 955 NSP-CASA-C-352T 71 955 NEW-V5 ******REV WinSPWW2 v13
(668,127): 959 Polikarpov U-2 ( Russian ) 75 959 NEW-V5 ******NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(669,128): 960 NSP-Do 17f-Bacalao 76 960 NEW-V5 ******REV WinSPWW2 v13
(672,124): 963 Polikarpov U-2 ( Russian-Winter ) 79 963 NEW-V5 ******NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(673,118): 964 Polikarpov U-2 ( Russian-Green/Black camo) 80 964 NEW-V5 ******NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(695,65): 514 CR.42 Falco RSI 0 514 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(701,126): 520 Nakajima B5N "Kate" 6 520 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(702,94): 521 A-20/Boston ( Soviet ) 7 521 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(703,92): 522 A-20/Boston (French) 8 522 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(704,95): 523 A-20/Boston ( British ) 9 523 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(705,133): 524 A-20/Boston ( ANZAC ) 10 524 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(706,93): 525 A-20/Boston ( USA ) 11 525 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(708,87): 527 Lisunov Li-2 ( C-47 ) 13 527 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(709,130): 528 Nakajima L2D 14 528 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(710,83): 529 Catalina ( anzac) 15 529 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(728,125): 547 C-47 / Dakota--PTO ( Indian/British/Australia ) 33 547 NEW-V4 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(729,99): 548 C-47 / Dakota ( BRIT ETO- No Invasion Stripes ) 34 548 NEW-V4 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(731,133): 858 NTH-A-20-Douglas-DF 36 858 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(733,135): 860 NTH-C-47-DF 38 860 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(734,133): 861 NTH-Catalina-DF 39 861 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(735,136): 862 NTH-Catalina-Tri 40 862 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(749,137): 876 NTH-B-25 Mitchell 54 876 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(756,128): 883 A-20/Boston British Fighter Bomber 61 883 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(757,130): 884 C-47 / Dakota ( British-Desert camo) 62 884 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(762,134): 889 GRK-Lysander_AOP 67 889 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(768,134): 895 ITA-Dewoitine_D520 73 895 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(769,134): 896 ITA-G55-Centauro-Post 74 896 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(772,134): 899 ITA-Re2001-Post 77 899 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(773,134): 900 ITA-Re2002-Post 78 900 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(774,134): 901 ITA-Reggiane-2005 79 901 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(781,85): 908 Yugo- Do 17 86 908 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(786,130): 913 Yugo-MS406-PARTISAN 91 913 NEW-V5 *****REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(804,124): 556 Large Coastal fort ( Camo ) 7 556 *****REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(857,128): 603 Open Utility Vehicle / Staff Car 19 603 NEW-V4 ****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(892,126): 634 SLOVAK JU-52 5 634 NEW-V4 * Revised winSPWW2 v13
(904,127): 646 Hungarian Ju-52 17 646 NEW-V4 * Revised winSPWW2 v13
(906,127): 648 Hungarian re2000 19 648 NEW-V4 * Revised winSPWW2 v13
(908,73): 650 RSI Ca.133 21 650 NEW-V4 * New winSPWW2 v13
(909,131): 651 Italian Ca.133 22 651 NEW-V4 * Revised winSPWW2 v13
(910,129): 652 Ansaldo SVA 23 652 NEW-V4 * Revised winSPWW2 v13
(911,127): 653 Fiat G55 Centauro 24 653 NEW-V4 * Revised winSPWW2 v13
(912,85): 654 Ansaldo A.300 25 654 NEW-V4 * Revised winSPWW2 v13
(946,133): 818 BUL D520 59 818 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(947,134): 819 BUL D520-44 60 819 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(948,134): 820 BUL Do 17 61 820 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(949,132): 821 BUL Do 17-44 62 821 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(952,134): 824 BUL Ju52 65 824 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(953,132): 825 BUL Ju52-44 66 824 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(966,122): 838 USA A-20-Douglas Fighter Bomber 79 838 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(967,132): 839 CHI-B-25 Mitchell 80 839 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(979,139): 851 IND-B-25 Mitchell 92 851 NEW-V5 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(984,130): 856 USA-Curtis P-6 97 856 NEW-V5 *****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1028,129): 735 Hungarian Tigris 78 79 735 NEW-V5 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(1052,78): 755 SPA TL37S 9 755 NEW-V4 ****REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(1058,108): 761 Lehel 15 2159 761 NEW-V4 SHARED "INVISIBLE" TURRET ****REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(1059,76): 762 MB_G5 16 762 NEW-V4 ****REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(1092,161): 795 Large Coastal fort -2 49 795 ******** NEW WinSPWW2v4.5****REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(1103,134): {7301, -1}, // 983 B-25 Mitchell Australian NEW-V6 ****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1104,143): {7302, -1}, // 984 B-25 Mitchell US North Africa NEW-V6 ****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1105,141): {7303, -1}, // 985 B-25 Mitchell USA NEW-V6 *****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1106,140): {7304, -1}, // 986 B-25 Mitchell USA NEW-V6 ****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1108,135): {7306, -1}, // 988 C-46 NEW-V6 ****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1110,135): {7308, -1}, // 990 Lancaster NEW-V6 ****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1112,133): {7310, -1}, // 992 He-177 NEW-V6 ****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1114,141): {7312, -1}, // 994 Finn Morane MS 406 NEW-supp ****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1168,127): {7400, 7401}, // 1046 Pz38t ( Camo ) NEW-V6 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(1169,128): {7402, 7403}, // 1047 Pz38t ( green ) NEW-V6 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(1170,128): {7404, 7405}, // 1048 Pz38t ( Grey ) NEW-V6 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(1204,120): {7472, 7473}, // 1082 M4A1 Sherman Late (OD) NEW-V6 *****Revised winSPWW2 v13
(1205,128): {7474, 7475}, // 1083 M4A2 Sherman Early (Olive green) NEW-V6 *****Revised winSPWW2 v13
(1207,125): {7478, 7479}, // 1085 M4A2 Sherman Late (OD green) NEW-V6 *****Revised winSPWW2 v13
(1239,142): {7514, -1}, // 1114 StuG III Ausf.A (grey) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(1244,134): {7519, -1}, // 1119 Stug IIIf (camo) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1245,137): {7520, -1}, // 1120 Stug IIIf (yellow) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1246,137): {7521, -1}, // 1121 Stug IIIf (green) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1247,137): {7522, -1}, // 1122 Stug IIIf (camo green) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1248,137): {7523, -1}, // 1123 Stug IIIf (3 tone a) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1249,137): {7524, -1}, // 1124 Stug IIIf (3 tone b) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1250,137): {7525, -1}, // 1125 Stug IIIg (skirts)(tricolor) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1251,137): {7526, -1}, // 1126 Stug IIIg (skirts)(yellow) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1252,137): {7527, -1}, // 1127 Stug IIIg (skirts)(green) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1253,137): {7528, -1}, // 1128 Stug IIIg (skirts)(camo green) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1254,137): {7529, -1}, // 1129 Stug IIIg (skirts)(brown) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1255,137): {7530, -1}, // 1130 Stug IIIg (skirts)(3 tone a) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1256,137): {7531, -1}, // 1131 Stug IIIg (skirts)(3 tone b) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1257,137): {7532, -1}, // 1132 Stug IIIg (skirts)(3 tone c) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1258,136): {7533, -1}, // 1133 Stug IIIg (skirts)(Tan-Brown camo ) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1259,136): {7534, -1}, // 1134 Stug IIIg (skirts)(3 tone Sand camo ) REV-supp NEW-V6 ********ADJUSTED WinSPWW2 v13
(1300,103): {7575, -1}, // 1175 DO 17z Finland ******NEW WinSPWW2 v6 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(1340,131): {7728, 7729}, // 1212 Tiger I NEW-V6 *******REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(1341,131): {7730, 7731}, // 1213 Tiger I NEW-V6 *******REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(1342,131): {7732, 7733}, // 1214 Tiger I NEW-V6 *******REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(1343,131): {7734, 7735}, // 1215 Tiger I NEW-V6 *******REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(1426,93): {7324, 7325}, // 1295 Tiger I *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9****Revised winSPWW2 V13
(1446,120): {7930, 7931}, // 1313 PzKw Tiger 1 Desert ***New WinSPWW2 v6 ********REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1447,120): {7932, 7933}, // 1314 PzKw Tiger 1 Winter ***New WinSPWW2 v6 ********REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1448,117): {7934, 7935}, // 1315 PzKw Tiger 1 Winter camo ***New WinSPWW2 v6 ********REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1449,116): {7936, 7937}, // 1316 PzKw Tiger 1 Green camo ***New WinSPWW2 v6 ********REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1450,117): {7938, 7939}, // 1317 PzKw Tiger 1 3 tone camo ***New WinSPWW2 v6 ********REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1451,117): {7940, 7941}, // 1318 PzKw Tiger 1 3 tone camo ***New WinSPWW2 v6 ********REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1452,117): {7942, 7943}, // 1319 PzKw Tiger 1 3 tone camo ***New WinSPWW2 v6 ********REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1485,79): {8008, 8009}, // 1350 Italian P26/40 JR NEW-V7 ****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1495,80): {8028, 8029}, // 1360 P 26/40 (desert) JR NEW-V7 ****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(1539,128): {8104, 8105}, // 1400 EARLY LVT(A)1 late 44 Camo NEW WinSPWW2v7******** REV WinSPWW2 v8**REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(1540,104): {8106, 8107}, // 1401 LVT(A)5 NEW WinSPWW2v7******** REV WinSPWW2 v8**REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(1564,92): {8154, 8155}, // 1425 LVT(A) 4b USMC Camo *******NEW WinSPWW2 v8 **REV winspww2 v13
(1581,99): {8188, 8189}, // 1442 PzKw VI Tiger winter camo *******NEW WinSPWW2 v9***REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(1672,101): {8358, 8359}, // 1527 PzKw VI Tiger Tri colour alt1 ********NEW winSPWW2 v12***REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(1673,101): {8360, 8361}, // 1528 PzKw VI Tiger Tri colour alt2 ********NEW winSPWW2 v12***REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(1674,101): {8362, 8363}, // 1529 PzKw VI Tiger Tri colour alt3 ********NEW winSPWW2 v12***REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(1675,101): {8364, 8365}, // 1530 PzKw VI Tiger Tri colour alt4 ********NEW winSPWW2 v12***REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(1676,70): {8366, 8367}, // 1531 Panther RAL7027&8000 ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(1677,70): {8368, 8369}, // 1532 Panther RAL8020&6003 ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(1678,74): {8370, 8371}, // 1533 Panther RAL8020&6003 alt2 ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(1679,76): {8372, 8373}, // 1534 PzKw VI Tiger Winter Alt 5 ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(1680,72): {8374, 8375}, // 1535 PzKw VI Tiger B Desert ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(1681,68): {8376, 8377}, // 1536 Entrenched Type 95 ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(1682,68): {8378, 8379}, // 1537 Entrenched Type 97 ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(2054,98): {7370,7371}, // 1894 LVT(A) 1 Ocean Grey / Navy Blue ******NEW winSPWW2 V9**REV winspww2 v13
(2055,73): {7372,7373}, // 1895 LVT(A) 4 USMC Iwo Jima ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(2056,73): {7374,7375}, // 1896 Type 5 To-Ku Prototype ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(2057,68): {7376,7377}, // 1897 LVT(A) 4 Desert ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(2167,91): {9202, -1}, // 2002 CHI-COM_Polikarpov U-2 ******New_WinSPww2 **** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2172,83): {9207, -1}, // 2007 NAT_CHI- C47 ******New_WinSPww2 **** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2173,97): {9208, -1}, // 2008 NAT_CHI- Polikarpov U-2 ******New_WinSPww2 **** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2199,93): {9234, -1}, // 2034 Mitsubishi G3M Nell ******New_WinSPww2 **** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2206,88): {9241, -1}, // 2041 Belgian Fiat CR.42 ******New_WinSPww2 **** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2208,99): {9243, -1}, // 2043 Italian CIL- P-39 Aircobra ******New_WinSPww2 **** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2210,102): {9245, -1}, // 2045 Italian CIL Caproni Ca.133 ******New_WinSPww2 **** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2211,97): {9246, -1}, // 2046 Italian CIL Cr.42CN Falco. ******New_WinSPww2 **** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2213,83): {9248, -1}, // 2048 Greek Cr.42 Falco ******New_WinSPww2 **** NEW winSPWW2 V13
(2214,89): {9249, -1}, // 2049 Italian CIL MC.202 ******New_WinSPww2 **** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2215,72): {9250, -1}, // 2050 Dewoitine D.520 France *********NEW winSPWW2 V13
(2216,70): {9251, -1}, // 2051 Italian RSI MC.205 *********NEW winSPWW2 V13
(2217,70): {9252, -1}, // 2052 Italian RSI Re2005 *********NEW winSPWW2 V13
(2224,91): {9259, -1}, // 2059 French Aircobra ******New_WinSPww2 **** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2226,83): {9261, -1}, // 2061 French B-26 ******New_WinSPww2 **** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2252,111): {9287, -1}, // 2087 A-20 Havoc/ Boston Brit Desert Bomber ********* NEW WinSPWW2 v9**** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2253,94): {9288, -1}, // 2088 A-20/KNIL Boston ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9**** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2254,102): {9289, -1}, // 2089 Russian A-20 winter Bomber ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9**** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2255,99): {9290, -1}, // 2090 Russian A-20 winter FB ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9**** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2256,104): {9291, -1}, // 2091 USA A-20 Havoc green ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9**** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2257,118): {9292, -1}, // 2092 USA A-20 Havoc dark green solid nose ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9**** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2258,104): {9293, -1}, // 2093 USA A-20 Havoc Desert camo 1 ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9**** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2259,110): {9294, -1}, // 2094 USA A-20 Havoc Desert camo 2 ********** NEW WinSPWW2 v9**** REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(2353,74): {9384, -1}, // 2184 JU-52/3m Floatplane ********** NEW winSPWW2 v13
(2354,66): {9385, -1}, // 2185 JU-52/3m Spanish ***REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(2400,68): {9426, 2159}, // 2226 SPA AS.37 Green ********* NEW WinSPWW2 V13
(2401,69): {9427, 2159}, // 2227 SPA AS.37 Winter ********* NEW WinSPWW2 V13
(2402,69): {9428, 2159}, // 2228 SPA AS.37 Desert ********* NEW WinSPWW2 V13
(2403,65): {9429, 2159}, // 2229 TL-37 Green ********* NEW WinSPWW2 V13
(2404,66): {9430, 2159}, // 2230 TL-37 Winter ********* NEW WinSPWW2 V13
(2405,66): {9431, 2159}, // 2231 TL-37 Desert ********* NEW WinSPWW2 V13
(2406,67): {9432, 2159}, // 2232 LVT 2(A) Camo ********* NEW WinSPWW2 V13
(2407,69): {9433, 2159}, // 2233 LVT 2 Ocean Gray ********* NEW WinSPWW2 V13
(2408,67): {9434, 2159}, // 2234 LVT 2(A) Ammo ********* NEW WinSPWW2 V13
(3304,76): {5485, -1}, // 3085 Rába Botond Green-Open ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(3305,77): {5486, -1}, // 3086 Rába Botond Winter-Open ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(3306,78): {5487, -1}, // 3087 Rába Botond Green-Covered ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(3307,79): {5488, -1}, // 3088 Rába Botond Winter Covered ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(3308,65): {5489, -1}, // 3089 32M Breda ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v13

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Default Re: winSPWW2 version 9.0 - 13.0 Consolidation patch 2020

The final part of the list

(3309,75): {5490, -1}, // 3090 43M Zrinyi 105 Green ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(3310,74): {5491, -1}, // 3091 43M Zrinyi 105 Camo ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(3311,75): {5492, -1}, // 3092 43M Zrinyi 105 Winter ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(3312,73): {5493, -1}, // 3093 43M Zrinyi 105 Tan ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(3313,81): {5494, -1}, // 3094 43M Zrinyi 105 Green -Skirts ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(3314,80): {5495, -1}, // 3095 43M Zrinyi 105 Camo -Skirts ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(3315,81): {5496, -1}, // 3096 43M Zrinyi 105 Winter-Skirts ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(3316,79): {5497, -1}, // 3097 43M Zrinyi 105 Tan-Skirts ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(3480,112): {5853,2159}, // 3253 LVT 1 Ocean Grey ****NEW WinSPWW2 v7 ********REV WinSPWW2 v8**REV winSPWW2 v13
(3484,88): {5857,2159}, // 3257 LVT 1 (AC) Ocean Grey ********NEW WinSPWW2 v8 **REV winSPWW2 v13
(3485,83): {5858,2159}, // 3258 LVT 2 Ocean Grey ********NEW WinSPWW2 v8 **REV winSPWW2 v13
(3486,82): {5859,2159}, // 3259 LVT 2(A)- Camo ********NEW WinSPWW2 v8 **REV winSPWW2 v13
(3492,94): {5865,2159}, // 3265 LVT 2/Buffalo II winter white ********NEW WinSPWW2 v9**REV winSPWW2 v13
(3732,77):{10098, -1}, //3497. 44M Zrinyi75 (Prototype) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4528,66):{11624, 11625}, //4260. Char-D2 ( Brown)********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(4529,66):{11626, 11627}, //4261. Char-D2 ( Green)********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(4530,64):{11628, 11629}, //4262. Char-D2 ( Tan)********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(4589,76):{11744, 11745}, //4320. Tiger (grey) NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(4623,86):{11808, 11809}, //4352. PzKw IIIn (No skirts) NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(4631,88):{11824, 11825}, //4360. Tiger I (Tan/white camo) NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(4694,76):{11948, 11949}, //4422. M4A2 Sherman Early NEW-V7 *****Revised winSPWW2 v13
(4695,77):{11950, 11951}, //4423. M4A2 Sherman Late NEW-V7 *****Revised winSPWW2 v13
(4708,70):{11976, 11977}, //4436. PzKw 35 NEW-V7 *****Revised winSPWW2 v13
(4709,70):{11978, 11979}, //4437. PzKw 38 NEW-V7 *****Revised winSPWW2 v13
(4717,70):{11994, 11995}, //4445. Tiger I NEW-V7 *****Revised winSPWW2 v13
(4736,85):{12028, 12029}, //4462. M4A2 EARLY Sherman winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(4737,79):{12030, 12031}, //4463. M4A3-76 Sherman NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(4750,76):{12056, 12057}, //4476. Tiger I NEW-V7 ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(4751,99):{12058, 12059}, //4477. Tiger I ( winter white/green camo ) NEW-V7 ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(4761,77):{12078, 12079}, //4487. PzKw 35 NEW-V7 ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(4762,77):{12080, 12081}, //4488. PzKw 38 NEW-V7 ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v13
(4848,80): {12170, -1}, //4570 Hetzer-Winter NEW-V7 ******** REVISED winSPWW2 v13
(4896,115): {12214, -1}, //4614 He-111 German *******NewWinSPWW2v3 *******Revised WinSPWW2 v11*******Revised WinSPWW2 v13
(4897,120): {12215, -1}, //4615 He-111 German Desert *******NewWinSPWW2v3 *******Revised WinSPWW2 v11*******Revised WinSPWW2 v13
(4916,105): {12234, -1}, //4634 B-25 Mitchell Gunship Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9 *******Revised WinSPWW2 v13
(4918,103): {12236, -1}, //4636 PBJ-1C Mitchell USN B-25 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9 *******Revised WinSPWW2 v13
(4922,106): {12240, -1}, //4640 B-25 Mitchell Russian Markings *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9*******Revised WinSPWW2 v13
(4956,91): {12274, -1}, //4674 C-47 Norway *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9 *******Revised WinSPWW2 v13
(4984,66):{19000, 19001}, //4698. 40M Turan 40 Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4985,67):{19002, 19003}, //4699. 40M Turan 40 Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4986,65):{19004, 19005}, //4700. 40M Turan 40 Tan *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4987,66):{19006, 19007}, //4701. 41M Turan 40 Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4988,65):{19008, 19009}, //4702. 41M Turan 40 Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4989,67):{19010, 19011}, //4703. 41M Turan 40 Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4990,65):{19012, 19013}, //4704. 41M Turan 40 Tan *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4991,72):{19014, 19015}, //4705. 41M-Turan 40 Green-Skirt *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4992,71):{19016, 19017}, //4706. 41M-Turan 40 Camo-Skirt *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4993,73):{19018, 19019}, //4707. 41M-Turan 40 Winter-Skirt *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4994,71):{19020, 19021}, //4708. 41M-Turan 40 Tan-Skirt *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4995,72):{19022, 19023}, //4709. 43M-Turan 40P Camo-Skirt *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4996,69):{19024, 19025}, //4710. Ceirano 75/27 Summer *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4997,69):{19026, 19027}, //4711. Ceirano 75/27 Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4998,69):{19028, 19029}, //4712. Ceirano 75/27 Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(4999,69):{19030, 19031}, //4713. M51 Green "What if " *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(5000,70):{19032, 19033}, //4714. M51 Winter "What if " *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(5001,70):{19034, 19035}, //4715. M51 Desert "What if " *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(5002,76):{19036, 19037}, //4716. Type 3 Ka-Chi w/o floatation *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(5003,71):{19038, 19039}, //4717. Type 2 Ka-Mi Amphibian *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(5004,76):{19040, 19041}, //4718. Type 2 Ka-Mi -w/o floatation *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(5005,68):{19042, 19043}, //4719. M4A2 (Late) Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(5006,62):{19044, 19045}, //4720. M4A2(76)w OD *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(5007,66):{19046, 19047}, //4721. M4A2(76)w Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(5008,66):{19048, 19049}, //4722. M4A2(76)w Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(5009,63):{19050, 19051}, //4723. T-54-1 Summer *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(5010,64):{19052, 19053}, //4724. T-54-1 Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(5011,65):{19054, 19055}, //4725. T-54-1 Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v13
(5137,67):{12598, -1}, //4847. Skoda S-I-D (T-32 ) ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5174,63):{12666, 12667}, //4881. Toldi I Camo ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5175,65):{12668, 12669}, //4882. Toldi I Winter ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5176,65):{12670, 12671}, //4883. Toldi I Desert ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5177,64):{12672, 12673}, //4884. Toldi II Camo ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5178,65):{12674, 12675}, //4885. Toldi II Winter ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5179,65):{12676, 12677}, //4886. Toldi II Desert ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5180,66):{12678, 12679}, //4887. Toldi III Summer ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5181,66):{12680, 12681}, //4888. Toldi III Winter ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5182,65):{12682, 12683}, //4889. 39M Csaba Summer ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5183,66):{12684, 12685}, //4890. 39M Csaba Winter ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5184,66):{12686, 12687}, //4891. 39M Csaba Desert ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5185,66):{12688, 12689}, //4892. Toldi II Green ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5186,69):{12690, 12691}, //4893. 40M Csaba CC/AOP Camo ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5187,71):{12692, 12693}, //4894. 40M Csaba CC/AOP Winter ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5188,71):{12694, 12695}, //4895. 40M Csaba CC/AOP Desert ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(5189,71):{12696, 12697}, //4896. M4A3 w/ Hedgerow cutter ********NEW winSPWW2 v13
(8348,94): {18537, -1}, //7937 Douglas B-18 **********NEW winSPWW2 V9 *****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(8368,99): {18557, -1}, //7957 Fairey Firefly FAA **********NEW winSPWW2 V9 *****REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(8515,85): {18702, -1}, //8102 F8F-1 Bearcat **********NEW winSPWW2 V11***REV winSPWW2 V13
(8525,104): {18712, -1}, //8112 PBJ-1C/J Mitchell B-25 **********NEW winSPWW2 V12**********REVISED winSPWW2 V13
(8526,76): {18713, -1}, //8113 A-26 Ground Attack-OD camo **********NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8568,105): {18755, -1}, //8155 Curtis P-40 USAAF Desert camo **********NEW winSPWW2 V12* correction winSPWW2 V13
(8746,66): {18932, -1}, //8232 Romeo Ro.1 Italy *******REV winSPWW2 V13
(8802,69): {18988, -1}, //8288 Breguet 460 M5 Vultur ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8803,65): {18989, -1}, //8289 F3F-2 Littlecat ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8804,71): {18990, -1}, //8290 Morane MS 406 -Croatian ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8805,74): {18991, -1}, //8291 Morane MS 406/D-3800- Swiss ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8806,68): {18992, -1}, //8292 Morane MS 406 - Thai ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8807,71): {18993, -1}, //8293 Bristol Bombay _ Desert ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8808,64): {18994, -1}, //8294 Caproni Ca.133T ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8809,76): {18995, -1}, //8295 Arado Ar.66 -Germany-Blue OOB ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8810,64): {18996, -1}, //8296 Bristol Bombay ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8811,68): {18997, -1}, //8297 Ju-52 Pre-War Bomber ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8818,69): {19700, -1}, //8384 He-115 Germany-Blue OOB ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8819,71): {19701, -1}, //8385 He-60 Germany -Blue OOB ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8820,63): {19702, -1}, //8386 He-60 Bulgaria ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8821,64): {19703, -1}, //8387 He-60 Nat Spain ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8822,70): {19704, -1}, //8388 He-114 Germany -Blue OOB ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8823,64): {19705, -1}, //8389 He-114 Nat Spain ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8824,61): {19706, -1}, //8390 He-114 Spain ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8825,63): {19707, -1}, //8391 He-114 Romania ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8826,67): {19708, -1}, //8392 He-114 Romania Late ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8827,69): {19709, -1}, //8393 He-114 Sweden ( S 12 ) ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8828,67): {19710, -1}, //8394 Arado Ar-196 Germany ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8829,68): {19711, -1}, //8395 Arado Ar-196 Bulgaria ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8830,68): {19712, -1}, //8396 Arado Ar-196 Finland ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8831,67): {19713, -1}, //8397 Arado Ar-196 Romania ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8832,72): {19714, -1}, //8398 Arado Ar-196 Romania Late ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8833,91): {19715, -1}, //8399 Arado Ar-196 Monsun Gruppe / Japanese Markings******NEW winSPWW2 V13-Blue OOB
(8834,77): {19716, -1}, //8400 Ju 52/3m Bulgaria Early markings******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8835,77): {19717, -1}, //8401 Ju 52/3m Bulgaria Late markings ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8836,66): {19718, -1}, //8402 Douglas Digby RCAF ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8837,61): {19719, -1}, //8403 Lysander PTO ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8838,64): {19720, -1}, //8404 Lysander Desert ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8839,67): {19721, -1}, //8405 Piaggio P.108 ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8840,60): {19722, -1}, //8406 Ju-87- RSI ******NEW winSPWW2 V13
(8918,69): {19100, -1}, //8482 Dornier Do 17E German *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8919,69): {19101, -1}, //8483 Dornier Do 17P German *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8920,75): {19102, -1}, //8484 Dornier Do 17Z German Winter *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8921,75): {19103, -1}, //8485 Dornier Do 17Z German Desert *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8922,69): {19104, -1}, //8486 Dornier Do 217 German *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8923,75): {19105, -1}, //8487 Dornier Do 217 German Winter *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8924,75): {19106, -1}, //8488 Dornier Do 217 German Desert *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8925,73): {19107, -1}, //8489 Dornier Do 17 Finn Winter *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8926,70): {19108, -1}, //8490 Dornier Do 17 Romanian *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8927,70): {19109, -1}, //8491 Dornier Do 17 Croatian *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8928,76): {19110, -1}, //8492 C-47/R4D-1 Skytrain USA/USMC *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8929,71): {19111, -1}, //8493 C-47 Skytrain USA Early *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8930,79): {19112, -1}, //8494 Dakota Grey Green- Invasion *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8931,66): {19113, -1}, //8495 Dakota Grey Green *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8932,72): {19114, -1}, //8496 Russian Li-2 - No Turret *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8933,70): {19115, -1}, //8497 Russian Li-2 - Winter *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8934,69): {19116, -1}, //8498 C-47 Skytrain French *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8935,70): {19117, -1}, //8499 Dakota British/Polish *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8936,65): {19118, -1}, //8500 Polish LWP Li-2 *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8937,74): {19119, -1}, //8501 Junkers JU-52 Romanian-Late *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8938,67): {19120, -1}, //8502 Sukhoi Su-2 Winter *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8939,59): {19121, -1}, //8503 P-39 USA *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8940,58): {19122, -1}, //8504 P-39 GB *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8941,67): {19123, -1}, //8505 P-39 Soviet Summer *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8942,67): {19124, -1}, //8506 P-39 Soviet Winter *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8943,67): {19125, -1}, //8507 Australian A-20 FB *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8944,70): {19126, -1}, //8508 Brazillian A-20 Bomber *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(8945,79): {19127, -1}, //8509 British B-26 Marauder Mediterranean*****New WinSPWW2 V13
(8946,72): {19128, -1}, //8510 British B-25 Mitchell III *****New WinSPWW2 V13
(8947,87): {19129, -1}, //8511 British B-25 Mitchell III Invasion stripes *****New WinSPWW2 V13
(8948,74): {19130, -1}, //8512 Russian B-25 Mitchell Winter *****New WinSPWW2 V13
(8949,74): {19131, -1}, //8513 Netherlands B-25 Mitchell GS *****New WinSPWW2 V13
(8950,68): {19132, -1}, //8514 USA B-25 Mitchell GS *****New WinSPWW2 V13
(8951,83): {19133, -1}, //8515 USA B-25 Mitchell GS Invasion stripes *****New WinSPWW2 V13
(8952,67): {19134, -1}, //8516 USA B-25G Gunship OD *****New WinSPWW2 V13
(8953,71): {19135, -1}, //8517 USA B-25C 9th AF Tunisia *****New WinSPWW2 V13
(9018,72): {19200, -1}, //8580 Ceirano 50cm ammo Green *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9019,73): {19201, -1}, //8581 Ceirano 50cm ammo Winter *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9020,73): {19202, -1}, //8582 Ceirano 50cm ammo Desert *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9021,71): {19203, -1}, //8583 Ceirano Pratico Green *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9022,72): {19204, -1}, //8584 Ceirano Pratico Winter *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9023,72): {19205, -1}, //8585 Ceirano Pratico Desert *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9024,65): {19206, -1}, //8586 Fiat 666 Green *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9025,66): {19207, -1}, //8587 Fiat 666 Winter *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9026,66): {19208, -1}, //8588 Fiat 666 Desert *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9027,67): {19209, -1}, //8589 Ford-Marmon Green *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9028,68): {19210, -1}, //8590 Ford-Marmon Winter *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9029,68): {19211, -1}, //8591 Ford-Marmon Desert *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9030,61): {19212, -1}, //8592 TM40 Green *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9031,62): {19213, -1}, //8593 TM40 Winter *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9032,62): {19214, -1}, //8594 TM40 Desert *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9033,71): {19215, -1}, //8595 StuG III Ausf.A Winter *******New WinSPWW2 V13
(9034,71): {19216, -1}, //8596 StuG III Ausf.A Desert *******New WinSPWW2 V13
382 occurrence(s) has been found.

Almost all the Hungarian Icons have been redone, The ones you see in the game now go back 20 years and were a touch out of scale

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?


Last edited by DRG; March 17th, 2020 at 06:47 PM..
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Default Re: winSPWW2 version 9.0 - 13.0 Consolidation patch 2020

I may update this with further information over the next couple of weeks. We hope to have this ready for April 2, 2020

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?


Last edited by DRG; March 24th, 2020 at 10:27 AM..
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Default Re: winSPWW2 version 9.0 - 13.0 Consolidation patch 2020

The Updates for both games are now scheduled to be released April 2, 2020

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old April 2nd, 2020, 07:17 AM
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Default Re: winSPWW2 version 9.0 - 13.0 Consolidation patch 2020

The 2020 patch upgrade is now available!


"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old April 2nd, 2020, 08:29 AM
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Default Re: winSPWW2 version 9.0 - 13.0 Consolidation patch 2020

2,999 is truly a beautiful thing to see...
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Old April 2nd, 2020, 11:07 AM
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Default Re: winSPWW2 version 9.0 - 13.0 Consolidation patch 2020

Originally Posted by zovs66 View Post
2,999 is truly a beautiful thing to see...
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Old April 2nd, 2020, 02:21 PM

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Default Re: winSPWW2 version 9.0 - 13.0 Consolidation patch 2020

Great stuff! Maybe it is time to do some mapping, now that I am "grounded" anyway.
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Old April 3rd, 2020, 04:17 PM
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Default Re: winSPWW2 version 9.0 - 13.0 Consolidation patch 2020

Random notes on OOB "errors"

There are 12,937 units in SPWW2 alone and 4,846 weapons. Each unit in SPWW2 has 59 data points that could contain something that someone could call an "error" and each weapon has 13 data points and that includes the name of the unit or weapon which people have had issues with on occasion over the years so 12,937 units x 59 data points = 763,283...over a 3/4 of a million potential error points that someone with "new information" could point out what we have now is "wrong" and that's just units in WW2. MBT has 68 data points per unit and 39, 016 units.....that is Two Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Three Thousand and Eighty Eight data points (2,653,088) and 16,333 weapons ( 16,333x 13 DP= 212,329 ).....note I did not include formations...between the two games there are 24,686 formations and each has 20 data points someone could find a fault with which equals another 493,720 data points

Now that I have dazzled you with those numbers I'll add one more 4,122,420..... Four Million, One Hundred and Twenty Two Thousand, Four hundred and Twenty .......that is the total number of ACTIVE data points in both games just in the OOB's alone that ....Units, weapons and Formations and all have the potential for someone to question or find fault with any one of them. Andy and I have both spent 1/3 of our lives building these games up, just over twenty two years. Are the games and OOB's perfect ? No. Are they better than the original ? We think so and so do many others but we are both burnt out by the neverendingness of it all. I had mentioned the other day to Andy that I had joked/commented many times in the past that OOB work is never ending as new bright sparks digs up info in books or online sites that didn't even exist when I started this ball rolling in 1998 but it has stopped being humorous .

To achieve 99% accuracy in these OOB's in both games when all data points involved is taken into consideration that would allow us to have 41,224 data point "errors" and still achieve 99% accuracy so even if there are " hundreds of errors" that means we are well above 99% accuracy since every percentage point has 41,224 data points.

51,953 is the total number of actual units available to players in both games combined so 1% of that is 520 rounded and that's just units so there would need to be more that 520 units in both games to have some kind of data issue to be considered as being an error for the OOB's to drop below 99% accuracy but when you consider the number of sources available now that were not available to us in the late 1990s and how even current sources can differ I can live with the games being less than perfect because perfection is an unattainable goal and we have already spent 1/3 of our lives doing this and we never considered this would be a life long commitment.

From the very beginning we have included MOBHack with the game to allow players to make any adjustment they think are needed. That is what Andy did when he didn't like the OOB's for the original SSI SP games back in the late 1990's, He created MOBHack then created and published his own complete set of OOB's and anyone is free to do so but do keep in mind that if you break the existing scenarios in the game that represent easily tens of thousands and maybe hundreds of thousands of hours of work for all the people who created them then you better be willing to issue a corrected set with your MOD OOB because that is what we had to do year after year trying to keep up with the revised information that was being sent our way to make the game "better". And just to make it more interesting there are AI picklists and some OOB's have a LOT of picklist changes over time so deciding that the OOB's need to set up more "logically" and re-ordering the formation structure will destroy the AI's ability to generate a usable and varied opposition and that is what we have had to be aware of for 22 years as well. So Scenarios need consistency in units and weapons and the AI pick need consistency in formation structure and if you mess with either or both the game is worthless except for PBEM....but only if the other player has your OOB's as well.

Accept that the game will never be perfect, no game will ever be but it's playable and engaging and that's what's really important not micro managing the weapon mix in a bunker.

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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