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March 5th, 2022, 03:31 PM
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Re: SPWWIII next edition of games series?
Originally Posted by Karagin
Originally Posted by DRG
A west leaning Ukraine is obviously and geographically seen as a threat to Russia by the Russians.
No different than the US seeing any country in Central or South America leading towards the East (aka Russia/China) as a threat...been that way since the 60s to the current day.
.......and that will never likely ever change. At least not in the foreseeable future

March 5th, 2022, 07:14 PM
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Re: SPWWIII next edition of games series?
I understand your explanation about politics in that sense that Soviet Union -> Russia during last 40/30 years lost their area of influence and that is why Russia (Putin as someone like Tsar) try to reverse rebuild that sphere. But if we talking about that issue roots are far away in history predating even Soviet Union and communism ideology inside old tsarist Russia. In last 500 years Russia build whole ideology concept of Russkiy Mir https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_world. Problem is that many part's of today area which Russians consider as their own civilisation in Eastern Europe belongs in that time not to Russia but to Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth which was strange unions of today modern nations Polish, Lithuanians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Latvian, Moldavian, Estonian. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish...n_Commonwealth. Why this country was strange for its times because when in Europe rules absolute Kings. This country by it's citizens was called Rzeczpospolita (Most Serene Republic). In that country King was elected like president in modern democracies by around 10% of whole population by szlachta (Nobleman). And during his Regin was dependant in his decisions from Sejm (parliament). Many peoples who lived there during this 300 hundred years developed (quite modern for its times) concept of "Złota wolność" Golden Liberty https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Liberty i some way similar to modern democracy modern concept of citizens rights. Because this Republican system country was finally not resistant to political corruption by external powers this country fall divided by the empires Prussia, Austria, Russia in 18th century but before final collapse created constitution very modern for its time which granted citizens rights and freedom Constitution of 3 May 1791 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consti..._of_3_May_1791. So after that in XIX century the myth of modern democracy defeated by absolutist King, Tsar and Emperor was still living. In XX century Totalitarian states again rules in that area and peoples told stories about Democracy, Freedom and Prosperity in good old times when none heard about such concepts in Western Europe and USA even not existed. So finally this spirit of Old Most Serene Republic is responsible of falling of communism in Eastern Europe and I think that this yearning for freedom and Democracy now is responsible for Ukrainians morale. They simple desire to build normal modern country and don't want belongs to Russkiy Mir anymore.
Beautifully song about Commonwealth Republic by Mila Kiriewska in Belorusian
"Gaude, Mater Polonia" — Anthem of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Oi Šermukšnio - Lithuanian song about Husaria most famous soldiers of Commonwealth.
Last edited by blazejos; March 5th, 2022 at 08:02 PM..
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March 5th, 2022, 08:07 PM
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Re: SPWWIII next edition of games series?
Yes, I agree. Absolutely.
It does not change the fact the Russians have obviously not given up on Russkiy Mir and that (partially) explains why the situation has developed as it has.
It points out, as I have said and you supported in your comments, that IT'S COMPLICATED and the nuances of the situation are not fully understood outside of Eastern Europe
How can Russian think that way some may say
How can it not given its history
Does it excuse the invasion?
Does it at least partially explain WHY it happened?
Understanding even a little bit as to why this happened does not excuse the invasion or make excuses for it but it leads to understanding why nations/ leaders do what they do.
Understanding how we got to where we are DOES NOT equal Condoning
Last edited by DRG; March 5th, 2022 at 08:45 PM..
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March 5th, 2022, 09:44 PM
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Re: SPWWIII next edition of games series?
Meaby also that song explain why we are on brink of WWIII now. Is from 2018 and peoples said that Putin reaction to that song was quite positive even if that was an pastiche for EuroVision 2018. But now is not funny now is realistic. Also some people said that this song better explain that's all than long documentaries.
Vladimir Putin - Putin, Putout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-wFKNy0MZQ
best verse "Niet I won't stop until I wiiiiiiiiiin"
Last edited by blazejos; March 5th, 2022 at 09:54 PM..
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March 6th, 2022, 08:09 AM
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Re: SPWWIII next edition of games series?
Threw it into my OCR program, which since it was made in Moscow, Russia; can recognize Belarusian:
Apologies if my OCR ****ed up, I'm working on a poor quality image tilted:
Уважасмый Вмктор Гсннадьсвнч!
В нсполнсннс Вашсго прнказа относнтсльно формнровання ударных батальонных групп вынужден доложнть слсдуюшее: в связн с массовым отказом прнннмать участнс в босвых дсйствнях лкчного состава воннскмх частсй, которыс должны былм быть задсйствованы для укомплсктовання вышсуказанных батальонных групп, у Вооруженных снл Бсларусн нет возможностм укомплсктовать нн одну батальонную группу.
Проведсннс разьясннтельных работ с командмрамм воннскмх частей не дало результата. Пмею смелость предположнть, что провсдснме замсны команднров данных воннсквх частсй, которые нс смоглн органнзовать формнрованме групп на местах, нс даст нужного нам рсзультатз.
В внду вышеужазанного прошу Вашсго решсння относнгельно прннятня чосй отставкл.
Начальннк Гснсралыіого нігаба - Лсрвый замсстнтсль Мнннстра обороны Рсспублмкн Бсларусь генсрал-майор /jA-e
Гулевнч В.В.
Google translate gives me:
Dear Vmktor Gsnnadisvnch!
In the absence of your order regarding the formation of shock battalion groups, I have to report the following: in connection with the massive refusal to take part in the military operations of the military personnel of the military units, which should have been assigned to equip the above battalion groups, the Armed Snl Blarusn does not have the ability to .
Carrying out explanatory work with the commanders of the military units did not give any result. I have the audacity to assume that the military data commanders of the military units, who were not able to organize the formation of teams in the field, will not give us the result we need.
In view of the above, I ask for your decision regarding your resignation.
Chief of the Gsnsralyiogo nigaba - First Deputy of the Ministry of Defense of the Rsspublmkn Blarus General Major
Gulevnch V.V.
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March 6th, 2022, 12:07 PM
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Re: SPWWIII next edition of games series?
Something I have noticed in the game, and it could be how I fight the battles, but most of the time the Western vs Russia fights are either Draws or Marginal victories. Mostly draws though. Does this reflect reality? Based on what we have seen in Ukraine, the Russians aren't rushing in with blitzkrieg style pincher movements or direct drives on anyone one target, it's more akin to how the battles and fighting happened in the 1700s-1800s, move to engagement and then a set pace fight, break off and try again.
Now given that while I was in the military, the focus went from peer vs peer or near-peer to counterinsurgency fighting. Then it swung back to the former. Starting in 2016 all things retro aka older ideas of organization and fighting tactics were reintroduced in the Army. I joked then and now, that Retro is New Again.
I wonder if that is what we are seeing across the whole world, older ideas given new life and light, regardless of what we expect to happen?
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March 6th, 2022, 07:33 PM
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Re: SPWWIII next edition of games series?
You've all heard about the Russians cutting their internet off from the world?
No later than March 11, all servers and domains must be transferred to the #Russian zone. In addition, detailed data on the network infrastructure of the sites is being collected.
I'm just wondering if this is a precursor to an opening cyberattack on the West? Remember that the Russians view the sanctions on them as an act of war.
Everyone might be best served by disconnecting their main PC with irreplaceable stuff on it from the internet; and using disposable PCs (laptops) or phones to do internet stuff.
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March 6th, 2022, 08:06 PM
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Re: SPWWIII next edition of games series?
Originally Posted by MarkSheppard
You've all heard about the Russians cutting their internet off from the world?
No later than March 11, all servers and domains must be transferred to the #Russian zone. In addition, detailed data on the network infrastructure of the sites is being collected.
I'm just wondering if this is a precursor to an opening cyberattack on the West? Remember that the Russians view the sanctions on them as an act of war.
Everyone might be best served by disconnecting their main PC with irreplaceable stuff on it from the internet; and using disposable PCs (laptops) or phones to do internet stuff.
Given the number of computer issues I have had over the last three years, I have been backing up stuff monthly. Three different externals just in case kind of thing.

March 6th, 2022, 08:36 PM
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Re: SPWWIII next edition of games series?
It seems that Russian forces have been dogged by a host of factors which prevent them from ending this war quickly. These include the "rasputitsa," or muddy season, which restricts practically all vehicles to roads; low morale and poor training among some of their troops; poor planning and logistics; unexpected resistance from both Ukrainian soldiers and civilians; and more. Here's a viddy which enumerates these and provides a link to another site which details vehicular and air losses on both sides: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVD-nBvSBkw
Last edited by jivemi; March 7th, 2022 at 04:40 AM..

March 6th, 2022, 09:06 PM
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Re: SPWWIII next edition of games series?
What caught my eye in that video was the shots of Helicopters dropping paras.
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