Originally Posted by SaS TrooP
Scenario #187 The Fragmented Battlefield also has the Polish infantry equipment issue.
Right, I'll do something about that.
Originally Posted by SaS TrooP
EDIT: Also, about setting stuff in 1985 instead of 1989, there is an issue. There are hardly available NATO detailed ORBATs for that year, and detailed equipment holdings of various Warsaw Pact units by that year are also rather scarce.
This is not much of an issue, IMO.
Ad lib - they are fictional scenarios anyway. I also relay heavily on modern maps, they won't be perfect for the 1980s either. Most scenarios have NATO focus, the WP units are seldom identified.
John Hackett's book was written about ten years before 1985 so it contains a lot of guesswork and IIRC it was written as a message about the need for a strong NATO conventional capability, so nukes takes a back seat as how thing unfold. Works good for me. Thing is, now I don't have to World Build a WWIII setup.
Team Yankee makes use of Hackett's book too IIRC.