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Old November 7th, 2023, 10:59 AM
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Default Re: What happens in 2025?

Originally Posted by MarkSheppard View Post
Latest drone news...

...supposedly, the Ukrainians are now using robot boats to transport jammers into the middle of the Dneipr river to prevent Russian FPV Drone attacks on Ukrainian boats/troops crossing the Dneipr or on the other bank.

Previous attempts to protect crossings with fixed jammers resulted in said jammers eating Iskander-M SRBMs.

BMP-3s *may* get a built in drone jammer


BMP-3 will get a FPV jammer, looks like Volnorez on a mast.
Drones in the battlefield are now beginning to incorporate shielding to partially negate GPS jamming:


Russian Drone workshops assembling drones in videos are now showing a metal can on a rod -- it appears to be a shielding device that protects GPS receivers from jamming coming from below, while the top is open, allowing GPS signals to be received.


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Old November 12th, 2023, 07:17 PM
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Default Re: What happens in 2025?

And on the subject of drones/jammers/etc.
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Old November 13th, 2023, 11:36 PM
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Default Re: What happens in 2025?

Originally Posted by DRG View Post
The russians are making makeshift RF shields using workshop materials to match commercially available anti-interference shields for GPS receivers:

The idea is that it blocks signals coming from below the drone (likely to be jamming/interference) but the top (aka GPS signals) are clear.

Anyway. Some more drone stuff dropped -- we've got clear videos/pics of the russian minelaying UGVs



Continuing the Russian DIY UGV thread - two more small UGVs in this videos: Su-4 small UGV for mining ops that is guided by a small drone, can deliver two 50kg bombs, was tested around Bakhmut, around 15 are at the front; and Su-6 larger UGV combat platform.

Apparently, Russian state media reports that the BRG-1 light UGV (see posts below) will get #AI installed for autonomous ops and greater working range, with tests to take place this October. Taking this with a grain of salt?

Apparently, according to Russian TASS state media, this BRG-1 UGV is now officially used by the military for evacuating injured and delivering supplies. Earlier test runs in a short thread below.
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Old November 15th, 2023, 07:02 AM
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Default Re: What happens in 2025?

Another issue for 2025 and onwards is that we're seeing datalinks proliferate to the ground user.

One of the big reasons Ukraine's offensive slowed down was because of the KA-52 Black Shark fleet; specifically the newer model -- Ka-52M which has the LMUR (ЛМУР -- Легкая многоцелевая управляемая ракета) Legkaya Mnogotselevaya Upravlyayemaya Raketa, lit. 'Light Multipurpose Guided Rocket'.


The LMUR is a big boy -- 100 kg and a 25 kg warhead (versus Hellfire's 50 kg and 9 kg warhead); but what makes it so dangerous is that it's the first real "digital/datalinked" weapon the Russians have and it has an extremely long range of 14.5 km.

LMUR has two modes:

Mode 1: The target is marked by the operator before launch, and the carrier helicopter can turn away directly after the missile launch -- essentially "fire and forget" Hellfire logic.

But what's new is Mode 2.

Mode 2: The missile is launched by the Ka-52M without on-board target lock. The LMUR flies towards a point selected by the operator; with GPS guidance and transmits what it's seeker sees back to the launching platform. The operator can then look at what the LMUR sees and select a target (or change it) while the missile is flying towards it.

LMUR is the only Russian ATGM capable of this -- and this Mode 2 is the only one in which it reaches the 14.5 km range.

In Ukraine, the Russians have used UAS Drones to spot enemy targets, with the target location/information being passed on to nearby Ka-52Ms who launch their LMURs into the blue (for them). This is extremely effective, because the Ka-52M can destroy targets without exposing themselves personally to Ukranian air defenses and LMUR's 14+ km range means they can stay out of range of a large portion of Ukranian air defenses.

Ukraine now has received an ATGM that operates upon the same "datalink" principles:


On November 9, Défense & Sécurité Internationale posted a tweet broadcasting a short speech by Lionel Royer-Perreaut, a member of the French National Assembly, during a hearing of the Defense Commission dedicated to the French military assistance to Ukraine. A delivery so far unnoticed, he confirmed the supply of Akeron MP ATGMs, among other weapon systems consisting mainly of Mistral air defense missiles, CAESAR self-propelled howitzers and TRF1 155mm towed howitzers.
Akeron MP operates much like LMUR -- Mode 1 (Fire & Forget) or Mode 2 (Post-Launch Targeting) -- so while an individual Akeron ATGM operator may not be able to see a target; he can be told via other methods that there's a target, and launch into the blind and target after launch.
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Old November 15th, 2023, 10:53 AM
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Exclamation Re: What happens in 2025?

Originally Posted by MarkSheppard View Post

In Ukraine, the Russians have used UAS Drones to spot enemy targets, with the target location/information being passed on to nearby Ka-52Ms who launch their LMURs into the blue (for them). This is extremely effective because the Ka-52M can destroy targets without exposing themselves personally to Ukranian air defenses and LMUR's 14+ km range means they can stay out of range of a large portion of Ukranian air defenses.

The game already allows this .( more or less)

A recce Drone can be used to call in an NLOS weapon and a NLOS weapon can be carried by a Helo

...... the combination is very effective

What we don't have are Russian NLOS weapons and we don't use NLOS weapons as off-map assets


What I can say now is off map NLOS units can be built and they work REALLY WELL with drones and they also Counter Battery very well

As in "Thunderbolts from Thors hammer Mjölnir" well

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Last edited by DRG; November 15th, 2023 at 12:59 PM..
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Old November 16th, 2023, 06:37 AM
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Default Re: What happens in 2025?

Something we need to identify as these weapons evolve is which would be or should be, classed as NLOS as opposed to just being a "normal" ATGM system or should there be one of each....a Mode 1 (Fire & Forget) and a Mode 2 (Post-Launch Targeting).

The issue is unit cost ( and weapon and unit slots ) two ATGM that are the same except one uses a multi charge ATGM weapns class so is a F&F/ Mode 1 unit and the other uses the designated NLOS weapons class--- the NLOS team will be roughly 100 points more expensive --but also more effective-- in the game when coupled with drone control

That said a NLOS unit can target as direct fire and NLOS so one NLOS unit would probably be simpler for everyone

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Last edited by DRG; November 16th, 2023 at 06:51 AM..
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Old November 16th, 2023, 02:39 PM
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Default Re: What happens in 2025?

Originally Posted by MarkSheppard View Post

One of the big reasons Ukraine's offensive slowed down was because of the KA-52 Black Shark fleet; specifically the newer model -- Ka-52M which has the LMUR (ЛМУР -- Легкая многоцелевая управляемая ракета) Legkaya Mnogotselevaya Upravlyayemaya Raketa, lit. 'Light Multipurpose Guided Rocket'.


The LMUR is a big boy -- 100 kg and a 25 kg warhead (versus Hellfire's 50 kg and 9 kg warhead); but what makes it so dangerous is that it's the first real "digital/datalinked" weapon the Russians have and it has an extremely long range of 14.5 km.
LMUR ?......... If that thing doesn't get code named ELMER I will be very surprised
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	LMUR.png
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Old November 16th, 2023, 02:52 PM
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Exclamation Re: What happens in 2025?

There is info I can use for the game if anyone finds it..... so far I have struck out
  1. How many Elmers can an KA-52 carry ?
  2. If anyone finds a list of NLOS capable ATGM that includes Elmer post it, please.


For now, temporary I figure since they weigh twice what the Vikir does it can carry half as many but that's just a WAG

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Last edited by DRG; November 16th, 2023 at 02:59 PM..
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Old November 16th, 2023, 03:35 PM
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Default Re: What happens in 2025?

Looks like the Mi-28 carries 2 on each pylon in the places it is visible in the photos/vids here:

"The helicopter carries two LMUR missiles on a twin APU-L rail on the outer pylon under the right wing; the other pylon is empty. It’s not possible to see exactly what’s hanging under the left wing, except for an extra fuel tank. In another video, published a few days earlier by the Ugolok_Sitha channel, a Mi-28NM is seen carrying one LMUR missile under its right wing (on an APU-L twin rail), with a B8V-20 rocket launcher and an additional fuel tank under the left wing."

so 2 for every 6 or 8 Vikhr / Ataka

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Last edited by scorpio_rocks; November 16th, 2023 at 03:45 PM..
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Old November 16th, 2023, 04:27 PM
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Default Re: What happens in 2025?

OK. 4 works for me


The caption for this is "The APU-L double rail for LMUR missiles."


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Last edited by DRG; November 17th, 2023 at 08:23 AM..
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