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Old August 1st, 2010, 04:07 AM
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Default Re: Ideas how to improve WinSP MBT/WW2 !

These are ideas of my friend from S.P.R. : Muhail2
To it to not be registered in this forum, it tried, but unsuccessfully.

I have recently played a streak of urban battles, involving different forces, mainly in modern period (80s-90s). At first it was a nice change from battles in somewhat open terrain, but as the battles progressed I found myself quite frustrated by the mechanics of close combat in cover in SPMBT.
Let me describe the problems:
From many field manuals I read (US and Soviet, mainly) I carried on the perception that urban fights are hard, time consuming and quite slow (in meters per hour, in comparison with "normal" maneuver battle). Small weapons fire and MG fire have almost no effect on the defenders of the building - it's even harder to surpress them. If one side wants to achieve decisive succes, they need to bring in really heavy guns, which can literally ruin the building on top the enemy soldiers, or courageously assault into the structure, using light and close combat weaponry in fierce room-to-room battles. In that assaults, experience and morale seem to play a decisive role. I remember reading that soviet assault engineers in WW2 (remember these guys in carapace armor and cool green-black camo?) were doing miracles with their special equipment and specialized training where standard units (although they were MANY more in numbers) were stopped to a halt.
And what we have in SPMBT?
Well, how should I describe it... Infantry racing from one building to another ("oh, Gawd, they wounded Kenny! We should immediatly pull back from this fortified stone bulding right into open plain!") after a single volley of automatic fire from 50 meters, with fast APCs following them and easily routing whole platoons with mere MG fire at close ranges.
Special forces and engineers suffering greivous losses from simple reservists - just because they moved to 50m.
Assaults? Supression fire? Forgeddaboudit. Just drop a few mortar rounds and rush in APCs to rout suppressed defenders.
I'm exaggerating, of course, but you get the picture.

What I suppose and what seems not so hard to implement from my consumer point of view:
-MUCH lesser effect of small arms fire on defenders, even at 50m. A little supression before the close combat assault, nothing more.
Stone buildings may even provide enough cover from projectiles such as RPG greandes and small caliber HE rounds.
Big warheads are nice as they are, maybe make them a little more effecient to suit my taste =)
-infantry clinging harder to their cover. I suppose no pullbacks until 50% casualties in squad, even more with great 80+ morale.
That would make assaults necessary to achieve breakthough in urban combat.
I never really had I chance to test current close combat mechanics in real game situations, so I wonder, what effect does experience has on them?

Yes, many things from here can be also applied to combat in forests and jungles. That could really spice up vietnam scenarios.

P.S. Oh, god! There are also fortifications in game! Trenches, foxholes! They could finally be more than simple "-X% to hitting ya".
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Old August 20th, 2010, 04:04 AM
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Default Re: Ideas how to improve WinSP MBT/WW2 !

You know what would be great to have? A "deselect" key or something.
That's it, keep dancing on the minefield!
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Old August 20th, 2010, 09:28 AM

Marek_Tucan Marek_Tucan is offline
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Default Re: Ideas how to improve WinSP MBT/WW2 !

Easy, just move the unit into enemy field of fire and it will quickly get deselected,no?
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Old September 3rd, 2010, 06:24 PM
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Default Re: Ideas how to improve WinSP MBT/WW2 !

To make a payload ammo carier limited.

================================================== ==

Will reduce quantity of bullets at MG-unit (for example instead of 90 to make 30-40).
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Old September 12th, 2010, 10:03 PM

jsallison jsallison is offline
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Default Re: Ideas how to improve WinSP MBT/WW2 !

I'd like to be able to go online in the game at setup, seek an opponent, set up a game and play it out online. Perhaps with timed turns either based on points used or by mutual agreement.
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Old September 12th, 2010, 10:36 PM
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Default Re: Ideas how to improve WinSP MBT/WW2 !

Originally Posted by jsallison View Post
I'd like to be able to go online in the game at setup, seek an opponent, set up a game and play it out online. Perhaps with timed turns either based on points used or by mutual agreement.
Are you serious unless you are talking very small games thats half an hour or more sitting doing nothing vs a couple of minutes replay & that assumes the phone doesnt go or something. If you want to play it out fast & timezones allow just say you are both at your computer & do something while waiting for the bing as the next email turns up
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Old September 13th, 2010, 07:44 PM

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Default Re: Ideas how to improve WinSP MBT/WW2 !

Thus the timed turns. Don't need a half hour for a turn on a 2500/5000 pt game. I'd say 10 minutes/turn would be too long. I'd go along with only being allowed to specify preferences, mission, nationalities and time period. Computer to buy and deploy at which point you, the new guy just bussed in to replace the guy that got sacked at tea time get to hit the ground running. Can you do anything with the @$#% sandwich the computer hands you?
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Old September 16th, 2010, 04:45 PM

kevineduguay1 kevineduguay1 is offline
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Default Re: Ideas how to improve WinSP MBT/WW2 !

Increase the number of weapons slots like you did with the Units and Formations slots. Some of the OOBs are close to full in this area.
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Old September 16th, 2010, 07:35 PM
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Default Re: Ideas how to improve WinSP MBT/WW2 !

We have this request at least once a year.

It is impossible to expand those variables without rebuilding the game from scratch. That's just the way it's put together and the way they interconnect with everything else and WHY they were not expanded years ago when we first started doing this.

All save games would be buggered, all scenarios, all campaigns, everything would have to be redone.

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Old September 16th, 2010, 08:21 PM

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Default Re: Ideas how to improve WinSP MBT/WW2 !

Then Maybe a new game? Like winSPMBT 1980. This would clear up some slots and give room to add more of the new tech in weapons and units.
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