
August 21st, 2009, 01:08 PM
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Re: Vicious Circle2 Upload pretenders
Originally Posted by Eldanesh
Ugh... My e-mail must have messed up yesterday because I swear I at least tried to e-mail my 2h file, and I definitely did my turn. This is worse because it's early game 8(.
What a pity.
Next time,before you close the dom3,check the llama websites. 

August 21st, 2009, 04:20 PM
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Re: Vicious Circle2 Upload pretenders
Gentlemen, agianst your better judgement I allowed Hinnom in the game, NOW (LOL), he id right under my position and attacking me.
I can hold out for a while but he will prevail. Caelem is sitting this one out.
Any one that wants to help stop him before he becomes a juggarnaut might want to nip at his heals some as he will be tied up in the top to middle North Eastern section fighting me.
His cap is in(I believe)#19 and his provinces that I know of are 32 31 17 7, that leaves around 3 unaccounted for.
I will try and slow him down and fight a guerilla war till the end.
Frozen Lama is now ADMIN.
I hold no ill will towards Hinnom as he has been honest and upfront with the negotiations the whole time and this will not carry over into any other games (my word). However, if you take him out....I wouldn't mind that either. 

August 21st, 2009, 04:34 PM
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Re: Vicious Circle2 Upload pretenders
assuming your province #'s are right, that would be the South eastern part of the map

August 21st, 2009, 09:12 PM
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Re: Vicious Circle2 Upload pretenders
Yeah for his original territory, Capitol etc...
I was talking about where the fighting will be taking place....that be MY area in the middle NE section 

August 21st, 2009, 09:15 PM
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Re: Vicious Circle2 Upload pretenders
Grrrrrrrrrrr, I was just thinking....
I will have spent more time on the rules of this game than playing it.
I havn't gone out this fast since my fIRST game (19 turns). Maybe I'll set a personal best AND learn to listen to you guys next time!!!

August 21st, 2009, 10:28 PM
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Re: Vicious Circle2 Upload pretenders
Hey GB, look on the bright side, you now have a good chunk of experience admining, which will be handy later. Thanks for taking the initiative to get this game going - without you we would all still have been sitting around in the original thread hoping someone would step up. Thanks to Lama for being willing to take over as admin.

August 21st, 2009, 10:52 PM
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Re: Vicious Circle2 Upload pretenders
Actually, your right...
I have always wanted to know how to create a game but was just too Lazy/worried about trying it.
There are 2 things I have learned in this whole process.
1.Pick a plan and hold to it.
2. LISTEN to people about the game, Decide whether they are making suggestions to further their own style of play, or trying to make an even playing field. Then when you make your decision be prepared to live with it and take responsibility.
(I 'think' I picked the right map, got a good mix of REAL new guys, kinda new guys, and medium level guys.
I liked the idea of the 7 turn NAP at the start to help the real new guys.
HOWEVER, When I decided to let Hinnom play in a NOOB game I wanted a REAL new guy to play it and didn't listen to Squirrelliod, Trumanator, and others that Hinnom should be banned.
I took a guy that was a private with 23 posts...but I forgot to see when he actually JOINED this forum. MY BAD, and I am paying the price.
Next game I will listen more closely and check things a little better.
LOL, but it WILL be next game cause I am pretty much outta here!!!
Thanks to all of you for trusting Lama and I to make a game that you spend your time with.
I will be around till the last shot is fired but Lama will Admin from here on out so PM him if you need an extension. 

August 22nd, 2009, 04:14 AM
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Re: Vicious Circle2 Upload pretenders
Just to make thing clear: whatever nation I could have had I would have attacked you. It wasn't because I am playing Hinnom This was only a matter of bad starting location. I only had a choice to make: to face lightning bolt (and now thunderstrike) spamming or slingers protected by peltasts... Anyone at my place would have made the same choice.
To all the lord of lands, I am sure you are more than happy to see the rephaims using all their ressources into an early war and despite what the prophet of Arcocephale claimed he hasn't lost yet. He is trying to draw you into a war that isn't yours. Don't be fooled by this and rather pay attention to your neighbours. As the sons of the fallen Grigori, our might draw people's attention but don't forget that there are other nations that are as powerful or will become more dangerous in the futur. And we all know that despite any friendship and alliance treaty, there can be only one winner...
Now if you would excuse me, it is lunch time and I am eager to taste arco's steak.
Kokb'ael, prophet of Keldanor

August 22nd, 2009, 08:59 AM
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Re: Vicious Circle2 Upload pretenders
NOT SO Mighty Hinnom,
If you would have been another nation, you would have dashed yourselves on my walls, as I received a 3000 Gold event that allowed me to continue to buy Mercs and still research.
I threw everything I had at you and drove you back....but didn't manage to kill your 1 Melquat.
This next turn (as you are reinforced will tell the story.
The scores show you have a minimum of 11 Provinces, You have the resources at this stage to do what you want.
You may have convinced or made a devils agreement with Caelem who should be fighting next to me to contain you, but there are others that KNOW the danger of Hinnom, AND know I don't call for help...I warn others of impending danger.
My game is over as I can't defend against your few but POWERFUL troops, others may want to stop you NOW as you said " you have no where to go but North", which means you have already taken the South.
I don't want to draw anybody into anything, the people I know in here can think for themselves and remember, they already knew the danger of Hinnom as they advised me NOT to allow it in the game.
Good luck to you, but I think your going to find the more veteran players will not stand still like Calem was forced to.

August 22nd, 2009, 05:57 PM
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Re: Vicious Circle2 Upload pretenders
Treaty of Nigh-Eternal Friendship and Cooperation
between Fomoria and Helheim
- forces of parties will not enter provinces owned by each other
- parties will not deliberately attempt to push dominion into one anothers territory
- parties will not cast deleterious ritual spells upon one another
After two (2) pretenders have been eliminated, either party may announce the treaty's termination. Three (3) turns from this announcement, the treaty shall be null and void.
Signed by Helheim
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