Shovah32 said:
Generally 2.5x the gold cost and around the same resource cost, not exactly alot except in huge amounts. Good thing ai cant use stealth properly.
True the AI is poor in the following traits:
Poor at using stealth for sneak attacks.
Poor at organizing armies to attack water provinces.
Unaware most units in the game need food thus it will starve its larger armies.
Unaware it's foolish to send its giant pretender into the death match arena.
Unable to invest greater amounts of gems based on the game turn for global spells.
Unable to properly setup units on the battlefield with cold/heat/disease/poison auras thus weakening its army.
No knowledge of what items do thus giving a water bracelet to a fire mage or the assassin heart to a unit without stealth.
I'm sure there's some others, but those are just off the top of my head.