You can capture the image in PNG format. Then, register the image as Bmp format, and then, copy/past bridge and Landing-bridge in separated files (each file must have 89 x89 pixels).
After that, you can change the bmp images in "shp" images and to place these images in the game with SHP EDIT and Mobhack.
Note that the icons are not mine, but icons of Plasmakrab I have reworked and adapted.
How it work : very simply : the truck has 255 carry capacity and it transports bridge. The bridge has 0 Weight and 255 carry capacity, ground movement capacity = 1 and Swimm capacity =2.
When the bridge must enter in action, is disbanded of the truck and placed on "river-coast". Then, any vehicle can be downloaded into the bridge and transported on the other side of the river, as "Military_mobile-bridge". The different manipulation player have to do represents the time to manage operation.