Scenario reviews
At the urging of DRG I am embarking on a review of all of the SPWW2 scenarios.
I will be rating them on:
1. Difficulty (Easy/Medium/Hard/Very hard)
2. Size (Based on the number of units)
3. Time to play (Based on actual time to play, not turns)
(Short/medium/long/very long)
4. If playable from either side (y/n) and difficulty as player 2
5. Enjoyability (1 dreadful 5 very fun) added by Scorpio Rocks
6. Special conditions: No tanks, no artillery, Airborne operation, Amphibious operation, Human is to be player #2 (added 2/8)
I encourage other players to post in this thread and give their evaluations based on the above criteria.
My goal is to collect data that can be later put into a sortable database for player to find what kind of scenario they are looking for.
Last edited by RetLT; February 8th, 2021 at 10:46 PM..