Rumor: Kerry & Edwards Want to Ban SEIV
Before you freak out, know that it will be a cold dark day in hell before I will ever give up my games. They can pry my Space Empires IV disk out of my cold dead hands.
Ok here it is:
I was watching the news tonight and they mentioned that Kerry and Edwards are in favor of banning or limiting the production and or sale of violent video games.
What are violent video games you ask, well according to the news, violent video games are games that promote or have violence as in death, destruction, battle, war, domination, etc. These types of video games would be under the Kerry Edwards administration be targeted for censorship and or Banned entirely.
I am afraid that games like Space Empires would be included in this ultra liberal banning and so would most of the games we currently enjoy because they depict violence and war. Now I know this is a broad spectrum of games, but keep in mind these people don't care. They use lables to sell their way of thinking, and unfortunetly as much as we ALL know that Space Empires is NOT a violent game, they do because of their liberal labeling system.
Now I have searched Google, yahoo, and many others trying to find sources that would cooberate the news channels statement and I have found NONE.
So at this point I am willing to chalk this up to email rumors and the crappy channel 12 news eagerness to stir up controversy.
If this rumor is true, and any one can post a link to anything relating to it, please do so.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.