Found further information that confirmed your facts - as of 2010 no order has so far been placed on the CV90120.
However, I did some more reading in the first link, and it seems that the CV90120 has the option between carrying 4 combat ready troops or more ammo for its main gun.
And since I like to create a lot of "What if" vehicles, I've already added the CV90120 as a "What if" vehicle in a special light tank 03 formation, since the vehicle was fully developed in 2001, after extensive trials since 1998.
Just a couple of "What if" questions:
What do you recon, do 4 combat ready troops equal about 20 more rounds of 120 mm ammo regarding the storage area needed or should I reduce or increase this number?
And the performance of a theoretical 120 mm/L50 WG98 gun should be something between the 120 mm/L44 WG01 and the 120/L55 WG06 regarding accuracy and SABOT penetration?
I'd assume that the armour pretty much stays the same as with the standerd CV9040.
All I need now are some icons...
Cheers, Taskforce