Originally Posted by DRG
What year-- which opponents -- how many points --- what type of battle................ ALL that factors into what the AI picks then we toss in a few more randoms .........NOBODY complains they get the same force from the AI over and over......... Did you have armour heavy on or off when you set it up ?. The picklists are designed to pick less armour against the Japanese but I guess it depends on what each player thinks is "too much".....
It's in the Pacific against USMC Feb 1942. I've 1 x SNLF Co, and 3each of Eng and Eng veh, 2 each of TK AC AT AA Md Art, 2 IG Bat, You can see it's not very big.
I've played 5 scenarios so far. In two I faced 15, not really so bad but the last, a counter attack by the USMC on Luzon was 35. Two of these were in heavy jungle, not tank country.
Your last sentence solved by problem. I missed the armour heavy button during set up. I was not using the correct words in my search that is when I eventually got into the guide.
I've also got a problem with the guide in that any shortcut I create won't open it. Opening directly it's fine. I've no idea what's going on here but it must be something on my machine.
I was not using the correct words in my search.