The games I'm in right now are wrapping up or getting towards the endgame and I feel like starting another.
Game is intended to be a newb/intermediate game. To give some guidance I would say fewer than 10 MP games is a good cutoff point. I've got 6 under my belt.
Players 12, Hosted on Llamaserver
Map: Riverlands for 12 + 1
Proposed Rules:
Research: Difficult
Gold: 125
Sites: 55
Hosting: Every 30 hours until a majority want to go longer
All other's standard.
Diplomacy: NAPs not binding, but don't think anyone is going to ever trust you again if you break one. You stab someone in the back expect to get stabbed right back. Trades binding.
All standard exploits banned: Bogarus orders, autospawn locking forts, filling labs, etc.
No nations banned.
I'm taking Marverni
Players (7/12)
Torgon: Marverni
Ulius: Niefelheim
Odeoderok: Sauromatia
HoleyDooley: Abyssia (defeated)
Mattyburn: Caelum
Immaculate: Yomi (defeated)
Dojango: Fomoria
Aderion: Arco (defeated)
Excist: Agartha (defeated)
Sansanjuan: TC
Jotwebe: Pangaea
Shardphoenix: Tir Na'Nog (defeated)