
March 21st, 2004, 12:52 AM
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SEIV: Play by Committee FAQ Now Available!
Deadstar, resident System Lord & Transportation Minister, has put together a FAQ on the SEIV: PbC Game for all the good boys & girls:
SEIV: Play by Committee FAQ
So if you don't know what PbC is, then check out the above link.
And if you do know what PbC is, but are just being a stubborn goat about joining (re: Fyron) then the above FAQ may help convice you to join our cult.
I mean "friendly & helpful community".
Yeah, that's it...


March 21st, 2004, 01:08 AM
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Re: SEIV: Play by Committee FAQ Now Available!
Cult or Friendly and Helpful Community? I always thought they were one and the same thing?
Anyway, hope this helps out anyone who was overwhelmed by the game at the beginning, so long as you are not overwhelmed by the size of that post!!!
And remember, they're still selling coffee and Doughnuts at the Recruitment Office
*Laughs* Minister of Transport, System lord of Asterion, emergency Colonisation minister... blah, too many titles
[ March 20, 2004, 23:09: Message edited by: Raging Deadstar ]

March 21st, 2004, 02:32 AM
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Re: SEIV: Play by Committee FAQ Now Available!
Nice FAQ.  Very cool.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.

March 21st, 2004, 04:29 AM
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Re: SEIV: Play by Committee FAQ Now Available!
And if you do know what PbC is, but are just being a stubborn goat about joining (re: Fyron)

March 22nd, 2004, 07:01 PM
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Re: SEIV: Play by Committee FAQ Now Available!
Bad Katchoo, No provoking Fyron
*Mutters* I know you've just become Minister of Defence but fyron has powers beyond our own, do you want a vorlon fleet to appear and blockade our homeworlds?
Anyway, stubborn goats are not to be trifled with
Thanks atrocities, hopefully those 4 hours of my life will prove useful
[ March 22, 2004, 17:02: Message edited by: Raging Deadstar ]

April 10th, 2004, 06:50 PM
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Re: SEIV: Play by Committee FAQ Now Available!
Ok, we really need more Players, especially System Lords so if you have ever been interested in joining, or used to play and want to rejoin come on down. System Lordship isn't difficult, and won't take up masses of time.
Save the Republic from becoming a Fascist Military Owned Dictatorship *casts evil eye to the Military who continue to lobby for power!"  j/k
The Republic is a fair place, we allow Felines, sentient mobile piles of vomit, mice and any other sort of delusions you have  Of course in game you're whatever race we are.
(Play by Committee link)
Use Name:"spectator" and P/W:"spectator" to login, or register if you prefer.

April 15th, 2004, 05:10 AM
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Re: SEIV: Play by Committee FAQ Now Available!
I have no delusions. I really am a mouse.
And I have no time. Otherwise, I probably would join.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
A* E* Se! Gd! $-- C-^- Ai** M-- S? Ss---- RA Pw? Fq Bb++@ Tcp? L++++
Some of my webcomics. I've got 400+ webcomics at Last count, some dead.
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May 23rd, 2004, 09:58 PM
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Re: SEIV: Play by Committee FAQ Now Available!
The Military Branch of PBC is in need of fresh Military Officers to take over for some folks that won't be able to participate as much as before.
If you're interested in Commanding a Ship or Fleet, check out the FAQ below and check out the PBC Board to see if enrolling in the RDF (Republic Defense Force) might interest you.
We're at a pivotal stage in our War with the Drushoka, as we'll be launching strikes deep into their territory in the comming months. So if you want to be a part of these forthcomming actions, sign up!
- Katchoo, Minister of Defense

June 18th, 2004, 02:37 AM
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Re: SEIV: Play by Committee FAQ Now Available!
I have just enrolled in the military....Go RDF!!!!!
Really this is an intersting concept for SE4 play...I urge you die hard players to check it out.
Edit: This was an attempt to get more people to try out the PBC I by the way....
[ June 18, 2004, 18:10: Message edited by: Kana ]

June 18th, 2004, 03:07 AM
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Re: SEIV: Play by Committee FAQ Now Available!
Anyone have room in PBC 2 for a guy who can't do much heavy thinking until allergy season is over?
I get a stuffed nose and my IQ does a flying lead chicken impression.
[ June 18, 2004, 02:07: Message edited by: narf poit chez BOOM ]
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
A* E* Se! Gd! $-- C-^- Ai** M-- S? Ss---- RA Pw? Fq Bb++@ Tcp? L++++
Some of my webcomics. I've got 400+ webcomics at Last count, some dead.
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