Finding Multiplayer for Space Empires 4
Would be nice to start up one of those handy
live/Online meeting spot on this site. no need for messy ICQ or email meetings. with the sales of this game..i have to admit it is
a most intriguing game and very enjoyable...
it shouldn't be unreasonable or difficult to
add it to Shrapnels site. I'm sure most players would like the ability to just log on
and see who is available..and we could just start up a simple IP game that way.
Feel free to add me to one of your lists for
opponents available if it pleases you.
At Least, we could use a special spot just for ICQ/Email notices so that we might be able to start compiling up those lists of
opponents quickly.
Excellent game by the way. most enjoyable
Waves his Red flag
Waves his Red flag