Typical game
This is how my typical game seems to go...
Medium Galaxy, high tech cost, many opponents, hard opponents, computer bonus high and 5000 racial points.
1. I start colonize all green planets. Few escort with capital missiles (beats **** out even computers light cruiser by over moving it) I never make domed colonies.
2. I focus on research everywhere
3. I make 'gift class' escort with no weapons to trade with computers.
4. Expand, expand, expand. Finally i die because of micromanagement. I refuse use moron ministers
Points: I don't need fleets, bases, mines or any other military. Computer just loves me. Finally i'm with partnership with everybody except those 'always war' races. I got double of tech levels than everyone else. Universe is full of 'enemy' ships
Conclusion: Game is great but...too many planets to fight with hard computer. Computer colonizes all it can, and i must too but...too many colonies to build, to protect, to optimize
Suomi on paras!