All too often, I find that scouts and spies that are beyond the border of the empire don't display or report the Dominion strength - sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.
This is somewhat irritating, and also doesn't seem consistent with other sensings of Dominion - you can sometimes see / sense dominion well beyond the borders of your nation, but a scout can't determine this?
If intentional, fine, albeit I would like to know the reasoning, but if it's a bug, it's another one that'd be nice to have fixed.
Not as nice as having the "Neighbors" filter tweaked though.
Seriously, I hope the devs will take a look at the Neighbors on the new Faerun / Forgotten Realms map. Use of this particular filter is almost mandatory for this map, but unfortunately, it's almost invisible against the map background.
Since I believe OpenGL is being used, I'm not sure if a simple XOR mask can be used (nor would that be the most attractive), but perhaps a thicker, dual or tripartite line could be drawn? The current ... cyan? Light blue? Would be much more visible if a red or orange line surrounded it or some such. A multicolor line would be visible on any map, and wouldn't even require an GUI work, as making it user changable during the game would.