A mod FAQ?
Has any kind of modding FAQ been done for SEIV?
I don't mean the basics of how to use a mod, etc. Rather, a FAQ covering the basic interactions between the *numerous* modifiable data files that SEIV uses. EG, if one file is changed, which files will this impact? Do changes need to be made there as well? You get the idea.
Also, the SEIV data files contain numerous lines and references which are often pretty cryptic. A FAQ would make it a lot easier for people (like me) who'd like to mod SEIV...but don't want to have to rediscover what many of you guys have already long since figured out.
Some things like the AI speech files are no-brainers, but others (like trying to create new random events) are a bit more complicated. A FAQ would make the prospect of modding this beast a much more attractive...