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Old April 22nd, 2005, 09:04 AM
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Default List of known issues

The purpose of this thread is to list all known problems with Dominions, where "problem" refers to something not obvious and having potential effects on the game. So, a typo in a description would not qualify, while a typo in a site name will, as it could be a problem for a mapmaker. The list may be useful as a reference for players, allowing them to avoid those problems. Some of those are not actually bugs: for example, the routing rules are features, but they are not described anywhere in the manual, to the best of my knowledge.

The list should be considered a work-in-progress: I have only added the problems I am aware of, so please do add to the list if you know more bugs/typos.

Strategic part of the game:

- A unit with 2+ strat moves and "Terrain Survival" cannot move at the full movement rate when commanding fliers. For example, a commander with Swamp Survival cannot move 2 spaces in swamp with Black Hawks under his command, since they lack Swamp Survival - even though they can fly. Try it; it feels very wierd. I would bet that it works the other way, too (giving a flying commander land troops with terrain survival reduces the movement to 1) though I have not tried it. Thanks to Saber Cherry for reporting this one. Link to post

- The spells Iron Walls and Arcane Masonry do not appear to work (they have been tested under several circumstances).

- It is possible to recruit Hydra Hatchlings from Pythium's starting site, even if you are not Pythium.

- Independents never storm castles, and they never protect their castles either. So, if you are besieged by independents, you won't be stormed, while a single scout will be able to take a castle province held by independents.

- When you try to purchase a unit that will take more than 2 turns to complete due to resources, the negative resource number never goes down (i.e if it says -26 the turn you order the unit, it still says that 4 turns later when it will be done next turn). Thanks to Quantum Mechani for reporting this one.

- There is a limit of fifty units recruited in the same province in a single turn.

- Unrest is limited to 500 points, or 1 point per 10 inhabitants in the province, whichever is lowest. A depopulated province will have very little unrest, even with 200% taxes (allowing Ermor to fully tax those gold sites without any unrest). Resources also require a bit of population to be fully used: 10 inhabitants will allow the use of 1% of the total resources, so 1000 inhabitants is required to use all the resources in the province.

- Immobile Pretenders can only use the Teleport spell to move around. The exception to this rule is the Sphinx, unable to use the Teleport spell. Modded units behave like most immobiles, as they can use the Teleport spell.

- "Sometimes, it looks like you "move through" a recently captured enemy province. For example, I had an army with 2 strategic move. I created a situation where they were moving through provinces in this order A->B->C. Where B was the only friendly province between A and C. I set that move order from A->C and then cloud trapezeed an enemy VQ onto province B to capture it. So to my surprise, on the next turn, province B was enemy, cutting off the travel route of the army... but the army had arrived in province C anyway..." Thanks to Ironhawk for reporting this one.

- Commanders with a leadership of 0 perform oddly when given items increasing leaderships or creating units. Thanks to Arralen and PDF for reporting this one. Link to post

- Scales can "disappear" from turn 2 onwards. It seems to be linked to specific Pretender designs, or perhaps to specific "hulls".

- There appear to be a limit on the maximum number of units/commanders in the game, for all nations (including the independents). The limit seems to be around the 30,000 mark; the usual suspect would be of 32768, take or remove one. Boron reported having been able to go slightly above this limit however, so the limit might only include the units, and not the commanders.

- Sites giving supplies do not appear to have any actual effect.


- An army composed of only commanders will rout after the first loss; likewise, an army made up entirely of bodyguards units (Guard Commander) will rout after the first loss. Units unable to rout should go on fighting. So beware! If the battle is not over after 50 rounds, the attacking side will automatically rout; if they have not retreated after the 100th round, the attacking forces are automatically killed.

- The spell Light of the Northern Star (and the Banner of the Northern Star) appears to give a +1 bonus to all astral mages on the battlefield, and not only your own mages.

- It appears that Magic Duel uses *base* astral level: spells and items do not seem to affect the spell at all, or they might be limited in power: an Astral 8 mage (with +1 coming from a spell) lived through more than 500 Magic Duels, while an Astral 8 mage, with +2 coming from spells, was killed after the 10th Magic Duel or so. An Astral 3 mage, fully loaded with items (reaching Astral 8), was killed after the third Magic Duel. Thanks to JK for the information.

- "I've noticed that Black Sorcerers and other such creatures whose shapechange is involuntary have a good chance of healing afflictions when they shape change back and forth. It's not just the eye criticals, disease, limp, cripple and everything else is affected too. Kaljamaha and I discovered this when we played a co-op where he was using Machaka and had a Black Sorcerer with a random water pick as a thug mopping up enemy provinces. That one must have had dozens of afflictions during the course of his career, and none of them lasted more than five turns before shapechanging got rid of them." Thanks to Edi for giving details about this process.

- Involuntary shapeshifters cannot change forms when under the effect of Phoenix Pyre, unless they had already changed their form before casting the spell. Voluntary shapeshifters should be able to shape changes with Phoenix Pyre active.

- The Reinvigoration spell did not work under 2.15 (maybe it does work under 2.16?). Thanks to Saber Cherry for reporting this one.

- The Relief spell appears to make battle replays crash, if too many units are involved in the battle.

- The Ironskin spell overwrites effects (and icon) from bless effects given by the "Shroud of The Battle Saint". Thanks to Arralen for reporting this one.

- "Enslaved units who die can trigger the "all friendly units are dead, so commanders retreat" rule." Thanks to Taqwus for reporting this one.

- Mirror image renders the unit immune to area effect spells (at the very least to spells with an area of effect of 1). Thanks to Huzurdaddi and Ironhawk for reporting this one.

- The Flight spell has an odd targetting: Zooko had a S&A Celestial Master cast the spell three times on himself (instead of casting it on a nearby commander), while other players have been unable to get their mages to cast the spell on themselves. Other spells seem to have problems with their targetting: Aim and Berserk have been reported to perform that way in particular (with Berserk being cast on friendly mages, who have little to do with fighting in the melee).


- It is actually possible to alter magic items by their item number, but this number is not the same as their weapon/armor value. Values of items sharing the same name are as follow:
* Sword of Sharpness: 5 for the one-handed version, 6 for the two-handed sword.
* Bane Blade: 28 for the one-handed version, 29 for the two-handed sword.
* Staff of Elemental Mastery: 67 for the Fire/Water version, 71 for the Earth/Air version.

- "A few magic sites of the base and special theme share same names. As an example, Caelum base and Caelum RoR have sites of the same name, but it is not possible to choose the RoR sites as starting sites." Thanks to Endoperez for reporting this one.

- "It is impossible to edit the recruitable units for Rl'yeh costal forts. Well, you can edit the units (which also edits the units for underwater forts), but you cannot have more or less units than the original number." Thanks to Quantum Mechani for reporting this one.

- A note on the spelling of magic items: they are spelled Sceptre (and not Scepter) and "-or" (and not "-our"): Sceptre of Dark Regency, and Armor of Virtue. Possessive pronouns following a noun ending by S give "-s's": Picus's Axe of Rulership for example (and not Picus' Axe of Rulership).

- An item is spelled "Lychantropos' Amulet", while Lycanthropos' Amulet would have been the expected spelling.

- A site name is misspelled: "Underwater magic site, Air 3, Imprizoned Zephyr should be Imprisoned Zephyr." Thanks to Edi for reporting this one => Will be fixed with the 2.17 patch

Cosmetic problems:

- "The messages you get when enemy mages cast global enchantments are cut off too early. " Thanks to Molog for reporting this one.

- Some Pretenders can get too many titles, and all their titles would then not appear. Thanks to Quantum Mechani for reporting this one.

- Cthgul the Stargazer comes with a foot slot, unlike his kin. Thanks to Tawqus for reporting this one.

- "The sites that attack undead and/or demons do not advertise this fact. That list is as follows;
Holy fire (vs undead and demons, 10 an attack): Pool of Sanctity, The Ward, Sacred Glen
Holy power (vs undead only, 10 an attack): Gateward Valley, The Rainbow Shroud

There are also some other unadvertised little facts, like The Hall of Flayed Skins giving out curses to units..." Thanks to Edi for reporting this one.

- The Arcane Nexus enchantment states that "XXX gems have been absorbed", but you will get fewer astral pearls than that: gems absorbed are alchemised into astral pearls by the enchantment. Will be fixed with the 2.17 patch

The AI:

"- The AI does not understand supply system at all, and its troops are starving constantly. It also loves the Death scale, hence making its troops more likely to starve.
- The AI does not build castles at all, and ends up recruiting light and medium infantery armies all over the map.
- The AI does not build even basic thugs (not to speak of SCs)." Arralen.

- The AI appears to have trouble with assessing the strength of enemy troops, and loves sending a mundane army to attack a lone SC (making it much easier to destroy AI armies by luring them to attack).

- "AI should probably hold back on completing a Call God if the capital is currently held by an enemy and the AI cannot possibly move enough supporting forces in to assure survival. Rather pointless to call in a lone pretender who'll get killed immediately." Taqwus

- Either the AI is reluctant to use Dispel, or it does not put enough gems to effectively dispel enchantments. Thanks to Taqwus for reporting this one.
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Old April 22nd, 2005, 02:53 PM
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Default Re: List of known issues

Aha, thanks!
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Old April 22nd, 2005, 03:06 PM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: List of known issues

Here is an issue Ironhawk and I discovered:

When you try to purchase a unit that will take more than 2 turns to complete due to resources, the negative resource number never goes down (i.e if it says -26 the turn you order the unit, it still says that 4 turns later when it will be done next turn).
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Old April 22nd, 2005, 03:23 PM
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Default Re: List of known issues

Aye, I had forgotten about that one. I will add it to the list, with perhaps odd things like "no more than fifty units recruited in a single turn" or "resources are directly linked to population, like unrest", though those are features rather.
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Old April 22nd, 2005, 07:19 PM

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Default Re: List of known issues

Could some mod sticky the thread ?
I'm sure Alneyan will volunteer to maintain/update it (with very visible tags for fixed bugs in new patches )
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Old April 23rd, 2005, 11:41 AM
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Default Re: List of known issues

A few additions and changes to the list: maximum unrest and resources are now part of the list, along with the limitation of "moving" spells on immobile Pretenders. Entries regarding the items sharing a same name have been replaced with an entry giving the items numbers for those items (Sword of Sharpness, Bane Blade, Staff of Elemental Mastery).

An annoying typo has also been corrected: "some spells have unadvertised features" should have been "some sites have unadvertised features"; not quite the same thing.
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Old April 23rd, 2005, 12:42 PM
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Default Re: List of known issues

Addition of the "army with only commanders/bodyguard units rout" matter; I am not sure everyone is aware of this problem with bodyguard units.

On yet another note, I recall reading something about identical domes stacking (so, 4 air domes giving an amazing chance of preventing a spell from breaking through, but all four domes would be destroyed if a spell made it through). Has it been confirmed? What are the specifics of "dome-stacking"?
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Old April 24th, 2005, 07:15 AM
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Default Re: List of known issues

To shorten the list a bit:

- The Arcane Nexus enchantment states that "XXX gems have been absorbed", but you will get fewer astral pearls than that: gems absorbed are alchemised into astral pearls by the enchantment.
* Message fixed

- Immobile Pretenders can only use the Teleport spell to move around. The exception to this rule is the Sphinx, unable to use the Teleport spell. Modded units behave like most immobiles, as they can use the Teleport spell.
* Nothing wrong with this behaviour

- It is still possible to get killed in Magic Duels, even with a difference of more than 6 levels between the two mages.
* The thing with magic duel is that it uses your raw magic level. Items and enchantments have no effect. So the spell is probably working fine.

- A site name is misspelled: "Underwater magic site, Air 3, Imprizoned Zephyr should be Imprisoned Zephyr." Thanks to Edi for reporting this one.
* Fixed.
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Old April 24th, 2005, 08:18 AM
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Default Re: List of known issues

The list includes "features" (by opposition to "bugs") if they are not documented. To the best of my knowledge, there is no mention of the Sphinx being unable to use the Teleport spell, or of the other immobiles not being able to use Cloud Trapeze (and similar spells). So, I feel this entry should stay in the list (if it is indeed undocumented), but it is indeed not a bug.

Thanks for the information about Magic Duel. About the two "fixed" entries: have they been fixed under 2.16 (or a previous patch for this matter), or will they be fixed by the next patch? I will probably put them at the bottom of the list, in a special "fixed items" list... or remove them altogether (that would depend on whether there is any need of knowing what has been fixed).
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Old April 24th, 2005, 08:34 AM
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Default Re: List of known issues

Alneyan said:
On yet another note, I recall reading something about identical domes stacking (so, 4 air domes giving an amazing chance of preventing a spell from breaking through, but all four domes would be destroyed if a spell made it through). Has it been confirmed? What are the specifics of "dome-stacking"?
There is no stacking bug it seems .
In my current game i had 4 domes of air + 1 astral dome .

1 of the 5 enemy flames got through , after that i had 3 domes of air left .

So they seemed to work as intended at least in this game .
I casted all 4 Airdomes with my VQ , maybe they would have stacked if they were casted by different casters .
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