Problem with weapon tech tree in SE:IV
I'm wondering if anyone else has a problem with the weapon tech tree in SE:IV? I've been playing this game for a long time. I also did some modding to try to improve on the weapon tech like improving torpedoes, missiles, and drones. But I just find that the weapon tech just isn't as good as in other games like MOO2. It just seems kinda of blah.
Now some mods have helped improve on this but if you want to play an un-modded game out of the box there are certain weapon choice that you just wouldn't make. For example why research torpedoes. Now creating more weapon mounts can make a difference. But I often find this can lead to unbalancing issues. I also find that middle to end game certain weapons are pointless. For example Hellbore cannons. I just can't find a use for them. The wave motion gun is good when you have the spinal mount mod.
I guess what I'm looking for is better weapon choices and balancing. I'd like to see more variety when it comes to ship design with these new weapons. Maybe also have certain older weapons become obsolete against new armor and shield defenses. I'd also like to see better advantages and disadvantages in picking certain weapons.
New weapon types I would like to see implemented in SE:V:
-More variety to missiles
-Weapons that effect an area
-Weapons that penetrait certain armor types and not others
-modify the power of the talisman
-Change the way tech research works. Add a chance for tech research failure. Certain tech types would be harder to research then others.
-Make certain tech availible only when certain research levels have been met in other catagories.
I keep thinking about other scifi shows like Star Trek and how the different races use their weapons. How come the Klingons don't have Phasers instead of Distruptors? Why do the Romulans use plasma torpedoes instead of photons. Babylon5 is even a better example. I just keep thinking of my experience with MOO2 and how different going from mass drivers to guass cannon was. Or when you got MIRVS for missiles.
I think SE:IV is a great game. I find my self playing all the time. I'm just hoping to that SE:V has a better tech tree design and more variety in weapon tech. I would just like to be able to play the game with different weapon strategies to win. I know some of this can be addressed in already established mods but I think these items should be placed in the default game.