Gud said:
Some minor twinks.
Missing (oh, there is always something missing in Ger OOB..)
- StuIG 33. Basically a StuG III with 15cm IG. 24 used in Stalingrad and Winter Storm
- SiG II Bison. Again around 20, 15cm on Pz II chassis, open topped. Africa only.
There are only about, what 20 OOB slots free in the GE OB. I have just filled 3 to make an AI choice marder section for very low points usage late-war. (since the normal panerjaeger formations lump everything from a jagtiger to a marder I wanted a 100 or so point item, guaranteed. And since just about every unit class has been utilised, these had to be classed "wheeled SP-AT" but with track move class..)
There simply is not enough room for everything (especially as some enthusiastic previous OOB designers did things like add 27 different %^&$" useless Brandenbergers
So these minority items really cannot be justified (try using the Grille for the bison?)
Minor gripes:
- Armoured Trucks. Italy has them. They were extensivly used as makeshift APCs in COIN ops in Balkans.
Worthwhile addition, generic armoured truck, and heavens! - nobody has used the improvised APC class for something weird
- The 7.5cm and 10.5cm PAW in FJ formation should be artillery class, not inf-at
The formation has an inf-AT class formation, which can have these as AT weapon choices. It does not have a pack howitzer formation.
(units 505 and 506 are pack howitzer versions)
- That was prolly beaten to death, but FG-42 was more a BAR-like weapon and not the squad main armament. Would perfectly fit as LMG squad with 2-3 of those tho.
There are only limited numbers of slots left before the GE oob chokes up. I would buy the
real LMG units (can reach out to 12 hexes) every time myself, so wasting a slot (more if people insisted on several variants of rifle or SMG etc) would be rather pointless.
- The 7.5cm IG 18 was issued HEAT rounds (penetration circa 60mm) for emergency AT defense.
If I buy an artillery piece, it is for duffing things up with HE. This would need taking shells out of the HE allocation, on the vague chance that light armour chanced by. That would need another unit slot, as HEAT was late war. And apart from making the gun less use to the AI by removing a round's HE fire, and being of rather limited use to the player, would eat a valuable slot for something of exteremly limited actual utility.
If some light armour was to bother my little infantry guns, I would retire to cover while bringing up some anti-tank or armoured units to deal with the particualr pest
- unit 432 Pz IIIm is showing icon with a short-barreled gun while the unit has long 50mm
432 is the Pz3n, with a 75/L24. That
is a short-barreled gun, surely?
- I would suggest lumping ADGZ, ex-dutch and ex-french Armoured cars in one formation - they all were anti-partisan vehicles mostly and seldom appeared in frontline units
Fully agree, that one annoys me when I am hunting Germans and dont get real GE armoured cars to kill
In future - please give the unit numbers, as "dutch armoured cars" means little - it could be called a muckety-muck(n), how do I know, not being an expert on German kfz numbers?
Ahah! - after faffing round for 5 minutes, "Pzspahwgn L202h" which is
not an armoured car class (why I could not find it
and already in a special formation for various junk used in rear areas, the OrPo thingy (where these other armoured cars can go the italian and the ADKZ, whatever that was)
- There are 2 instances of Fw 189 Uhu appearing as ground attack plane. I think there could be just one - it wasn't a dedicated ground mover anyway.
It should definately be an X3 radio code, so the AI does not bother with it. Appears a duplicate as well, but need to check scenarios to see if someone used one or other, or both, before deleting one, other or both.. hah! - a bright spark has added one with better FC ..