I've been on the fence regarding my latest project, ReBoB, which was envisioned to be a modern reimagining of my favorite shipset so far, the BoB set.
when I say that I've been on the fence, I mean to say that with the impending release of Se5 and what I percieve to be an eventual wrap-up of all things se4, I had questioned whether it was worth it actually making a full-fledged shipset out of it and releasing it to the public or just to make pretty pictures out of them and keep it to myself.
Now, after some time tinkering with ReBoB, I have decided that I have enough time and imagination on hand to finish the set and release it to you folks.
So here it is: I am officially acknowledging ReBoB as an active project of mine, and it will be completed and released within one month.
The shipset is to be Dark Nova 4 Mod compatible, which means this is to comprise of many, many more pictures than your usual set.
Whatever news that comes up, you will see it here.
Whatever preview that is released, you will see it here.
Speaking of previews, Here is one, hosting courtesy of SpaceEmpires.net:
Stay tuned, and thank you for your attention.