The High Guild
Version 0,1
unit id used 2980-2985
"Only guild of magi established in all the kingdoms, the High Guild obtained city rights everywhere during the middle era by asking its young initiates to serve in the national armies. The magi of the high guild are divided into 2 orders, elementalists and arcanists. The high guild mages are expensive and generally not as good as national ones but their presence offers to each nation an access to all magic paths and the service of young magic users. Members of an international organization they are looked with suspicion by nationals, and not allowed to lead troops."
This mod, for the people having some nostalgia of the very diverse magic capacities in dom2, add two recruitable human mages for each nation of the middle era, one with (A,E,F,W) magic, one with (D,S,N,B). They have 2 x 100% random + 1 random 50% and 1 random 10% but cost far more than national mages of the same power (275gp) and are #noleader. The high guild mages have special capacities if the nation need some (amphibian for sea nations, swamp survival for C'tis) but are a little more expensive or restricted for those nations (the high guild mages of sea nations have water 1 instead of one of their picks).
ps : As I'm very bad at making sprites, I've used for the mages the tgas from a dom2 mod (can't find which one I had these tga in my dom2 mod directory). I'm searching the name/adress of the author to ask for his agreement (I hope he's ok if not I'll change with a #copysprite).
Last edited by Edi; August 27th, 2008 at 05:07 PM..
Reason: Prefix