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Old December 18th, 2006, 10:09 PM
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Default Space Empires V Pirated!

Well it had to happen at some point. SE V is being pirated and so is Dominions 3. This is why the small developer cannot survive. Some low life scumbag, and you know that you are that, has posted these games on many torrent sites.

I say the following as a person and not as a member or moderator of this forum. My opinion is my alone and has nothing to do with Shrapnel Games or any member here.

FLAME RANT TO FOLLOW - Read At On Risk - RATED (M) for Mad!
(Does contain some harsh negativity so please do not read if you are easily offended.)


To the low life scumbags who are behind this, you are utterly pathetic. I will bet that you are middle aged, balding fat *** loosers who still live at home in momma's basement. I bet that the only time you have ever seen a women naked, apart from you porn collection, was when you spied on your mother taking a shower last week. Oh the joy that must have brought you down in the basement after everyone had gone to sleep.

You SOB's are the VERY reason independent game developers, quite literally the guy next door, cannot make it in this industry. You parasites take their work and post it for any a jackass cheap bastard to download for free.

You indictable peaces of sh** should be hunted down and beaten to death with your own biohazard filled keyboards!

You are a cancer upon the body of niche gaming, one that feeds upon the hard work and dedication of people who lack the resources or money but still try and develop games for a market that has been utterly abandoned by the big gaming companies.

You should be ashamed of yourselves, not just because of the way you look and live, but because of your actions!

You nose picking bugger eaters need to stop stuffing your pimpled infested unshaven faces long enough comprehend the deplorable actions of your reckless disregard for the small guys.

"Oh the internet should be free. Software is for everyone!" Go tell it on the mountain you obese pile of dog vomit! Your holier than though self righteous free the program mentality has only served to undermine and jeopardize the small independent developers while doing nothing to the big huge MS conglomerate machines that suck up ideas and spit them out as Windows version! You cripple the little guy by feeding the cooperate monsters!

You are lower than snake sh** and I hope that someday someone steals something of value from you so that you can suffer the way you are making these small game developers suffer!
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Old December 18th, 2006, 11:02 PM
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Default Re: Space Empires V Pirated!

Nose picking bugger eaters?
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Old December 18th, 2006, 11:14 PM

Spectarofdeath Spectarofdeath is offline
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Default Re: Space Empires V Pirated!

The sad part is that the Space Empires series is actually WORTH money.....unlike say games made by EA which are pieces of crap on a cd, wrapped in celaphane (sp), sold for $50-60, then have more turds added to them in the form of $20-30 expansions.
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Old December 18th, 2006, 11:27 PM
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Default Re: Space Empires V Pirated!

Tim_Ward said:
Nose picking bugger eaters?
He-he, I liked that one!
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Old December 19th, 2006, 12:34 AM
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Default Re: Space Empires V Pirated!

Booger.... bugger, whats the difference? They eat snot that they pick out of their own noses... enough said.
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Old December 19th, 2006, 12:42 AM
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Default Re: Space Empires V Pirated!

Unfortunately it was pirated all the way back in October, and I completely agree with your outlook on this. But... if you are refering to the recent torrent that went up, it is NOT the pirated version of the game, only the patch.
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Old December 19th, 2006, 02:09 AM

javaslinger javaslinger is offline
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Default Re: Space Empires V Pirated!

yeah, sadly I saw SEV on *edited, please do not post URLs for pirate sites* long ago...

Uhm, I use it to rip off TV shows I miss... I hope that's 'more' ok...

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Old December 19th, 2006, 02:12 AM
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Default Re: Space Empires V Pirated!

Do they contain the commercials?
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Old December 19th, 2006, 02:33 AM

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Default Re: Space Empires V Pirated!

uh no....
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Old December 19th, 2006, 03:05 AM
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Default Re: Space Empires V Pirated!

I am just peeved about SE V and Dominions 3 being on torrent sites. Those are the focus of my rant. The SOB's who posted them are the kind of people whom I wish harm to come too. It just angers me to no end that they are willingly jepordizing the future of these game franchises by giving them away. Neither of these independant developers deserves to be cheated out of funds for their games. Its like kicking a bumb when he is down and all he wants to do is try and sit up. Its pathetic *******ism pure and simple. They dislike the game so they are going to help undermine the developer. That is just complete utter childish bullcrap and the people that did this aren't worth spit. I wouldn't give them the sweat off my groin if they were dying of thirst in the desert, that is how low my opinion of them is.

Any one who would do this to Aaron or the guys who developed Dominions 3 are just scum sucking bottom feeders, and they know they are.
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