*** GAME INFO ***
IP Address:
Port #: 11112
Game name: wrap1_mp
-C --ipadr --port 11112
*** GAME INFO ***
If we can do a little mini-blitz tonight, coo - or we can get a few turns in and see if we can do that over the weekend. Or not. Whatever.
I'll start the game up tonight when I get home - watch this space for IP and port #.
The attached map is a combination of Paradox' random map generator (insert link to thread) and my own balanced start site + semi-random-map generation script.
The majority of the major treasure provinces (cities) and minor treasure provinces that I've actually coded up are found in this map - and in fact those needed a lot of fiddling before they worked remotely like I'd meant them too.
Anyway, the map is ready for play so let's give it a whirl. I'll play niefelheim once more before retiring this build.
There are a total of 8 land start sites, and no water starts. Six of the start sites are on the main continent, 2 are on the secondary island.
There is a lot of water on the map, though, so sailing or strong amphib units will take you a long way.
There are six "cities" worth 1 (in one case, 2) victory point each. They have fortresses in them, and (with the exception of the one worth 2) a large population, so you'll be expected to try and hold them for income before sieging the city itself.
Each city contains a communion of 8 slaves backing up 3 very powerful spellcasters covered with gems, as well as a large army. Expect to take losses while storming the forts for VP.
Other settings - magic sites 55, gold 125, resources 100, supply 125, hall of fame 15, renaming on, victory points accumulate. Other settings standard. The resource reduction is to compensate for the neighbor-rich start positions (which otherwise strongly encourage Sloth.)
There'll be a 36 hr quickhost interval, which will get longer as the game drags on.
This is something a "test run" before I try running a tournament.
Sorry, yes, the game is early era.
I'm going to make some minor adjustments to the map file. The special province #s (which I will post in the thread) will not change, and they're marked on the map anyway with big orange dots and VPs.
TNDP Niefelheim
WSZaboPeter Mictlan
Terrel T'ien Ch'i
Reverend Zombie Yomi
Baalz Lanka
JayThomas Marverni
Ewierl Agartha
FrankTrollman Abyssia
(Alternate, if someone doesn't show):
Amhazair Helheim
That's a full 25% human, for those keeping score at home