More bizzarre mines...
So I received a message in my news log this turn that said 'Our minefield in the Sutran system has been encountered by the Mannich Federation.'
Why is this strange? Because I am the Mannich Federation!
In the prior turn this happened as well, but I figured it was something I did. My opponenet sent a frigate into my minefield. I got the same message, saying my forces had encountered MY minefield. I was confused as his ship was in fact destroyed..... BUT all my ships also retreated! as if it was HIS minefield!
So the following turn I moved them back into the hex with MY minefield where they were previously. This time he moved his fleet through the warp point to the same hex. My ships were all annihilated but I can't tell if it was by his ship or by my own minefield! give the message....
This is certainly weird... His fleet did have sweepers, so perhaps they cleared the mines... but the message is still definitely incorrect AND my ships definitely RETREATED from my own minefield the prior turn....
Oh, and I almost forgot, MY MINEFIELD was 'marked' the previous turn... again, as if it was his....
Can you subjugate a minefield????