German oob questions
Hi gents
Spob16, Germany, unit 919 MG34 MMG(2), its correct name must be MG34 HMG(2), as its weapons are 193 mg34 Hmg, and there exists already unit 500 MG34 MMG (2) wich uses correct weapon 4 mg34 mmg.
Spob16, Germany, formations 511 Fjg Art Vb (unit 653, 1/38 to 12/46) is identical in all but the name to formation 113 Fjg VB (unit 653, 1/38 to 12/46). One of them may be erased?
A petition:
Spob16, Germany, all mountain infantry-AT units are class 206 (Mtn Support squad). I have browsed through most oobs and this class is not used at all or is used in the same inf-at way. Can it be possible to change unit class 206 to Mountain infantry-AT clone? This way they'll behave more like inf-at (taking advantage of inf-at clone characteristics) and not like general infantry (disavantage at infantry close assaults vs armour).
Best regards & saludos
Miguel Guasch Aparicio