Attached is a version of the Game Options programme that
should treat Windows 8 properly. i.e behave exactly as for Windows XP and earlier as there is no nasty aero interface to destroy the 256 colour palette used in full screen.
We need some folks with Windows 8 to test this under that operating system - since we don't have it.
Windows XP :
Normal behaviour
- Reports "Windows XP or earlier"
- Does not run batch file

Windows Visa and Windows 7:
Special Behaviour
- Reports as "Windows Vista or Windows 7"
- Runs the batch file to kill explorer and aero in full screen mode
- Disables the GDI/Directx switch

New behaviour for testing:
Windows 8:
Normal behaviour
- Reports as "Windows 8 or later"
- Does
not run the batch file or disable the graphics switch
Not yet tested - this is what we need feedback from you Windows 8 users on!

Not part of the test, new feature.
AIAdjustpercent variable's value is exposed for editing on the misc screen for CD owners. Allowed values are 1 through 500. This saves opening the INI file to manually adjust the AI force ratio.
(Free demo game owners cannot edit the field - it is read-only.)
Extract the zip file to your MBT folder.
The file has a different name from the gameoptions exe, so will not overwrite that.
Double click on the new exe to run the test version.