Longest/unlikely/otherwise awesome kills
I'm sure a few veteran players have some good stories of long-range kills, improbable kills, or anything else approaching awesome. If you do, don't be shy.
Best I've managed to date was one of my commando units assaulting 3 Panthers in 3 consecutive turns and killing them with Close Assaults first time, each time. I felt like I should send a truck up to pick them up and bring them to safety as a reward, but instead I assaulted a Puma next turn and my soldiers were blown to smithereens.
I usually play early war stuff so I don't have a hell of a lot of long-range tank kills. In a Russian campaign I managed to immobolise a Char B1 bis from nearly 2 kilometers with an AT-1 but I ran out of ammunition trying to kill it, so not really a kill at all.
Anybody got some good stories to tell? Bonus points for PBEM game tales.