.........the packing crates that the rockets arrived in were designed so as to be suitable for firing the rocket without the need for the two-wheeled carriage component. Small support legs were folded down to provide the elevation. More importantly, this little quality broadened the tactical value of the 28/32cm NbW 41 series considerably as the weapon did not require the dedicated launcher to be used. As such, the crates could be mounted in different configurations and used on vehicles or as fixed positions.
There are two units in the German OOB that have them. One Heer with the flame rocket and, one SS with an HE rocket Both are RC1 so rare which is why they are very rarely used by the AI and very rarely "discovered" by players even though they have been in the OOB's since the DOS days
I just "discovered" this launcher for them and *may add it to the OOB