I was never so amazed ...
" I was never so amazed in my life as when Taka Raul, leader of the Condor
species, drew his concealed null space pistol from its case and struck me
to the ground, stone dead." This was not supposed to happen. The Condors
and Bubbles had come to an agreement. The Bubbles are to allow Condor
colonies in Quadrants 1 and 2 in exchange for Star Charts of Quadrant 3,
plus 10,000 organics, which were to be delivered at a time and place not
yet negotiated. That was to be my mission. Negotiate. But alas, that will
have to be someone else's responsibility seeing how I've just been bLasted
into null space. You know what? It could be you!
A PBW game called Free for All is now in need of a couple of human AI's who
have the right stuff to lead these two species. I know what you're
thinking. No one wants to take on someone else's loser race. But these
races are far from losers. As near as I can tell, these two races got out
of the gate good. Their growth has only slowed down due to poor computer
programming. The game is young and there is time to make these races proud
and competitive.
What do you say? Hop on over to PBW now. Find the game called " Free for
All" and sign up before it is to late.