April 30th, 2003, 01:18 AM
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[OT] pythageoron and 3d
does anyone know the 3d equivalent to the pythageoron calculation?
[ April 30, 2003, 03:39: Message edited by: narf poit chez BOOM ]
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
A* E* Se! Gd! $-- C-^- Ai** M-- S? Ss---- RA Pw? Fq Bb++@ Tcp? L++++
Some of my webcomics. I've got 400+ webcomics at Last count, some dead.
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April 30th, 2003, 01:30 AM
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Re: [OT] pythageoron and 3d
Yes, just add a term for the third dimension.
I'm not sure what form you're looking for, but essentially:
d^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2
Where d is the distance you are probably looking for, and x, y, and z are the three right-angle coordinate displacements.
April 30th, 2003, 01:34 AM
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Re: [OT] pythageoron and 3d
just keep adding sides squared under the sqrt.
because the first diagonal is used as a side with the next "rectangular" side, so it looks like this (where a, b, c are the height, length, width, and you want the diagonal of the box):
diagonal of a side:
sqrt( a^2 + b^2 )
diagonal of box = diagonal of (diagonal of side & height):
sqrt( sqrt( a^2 + b^2 )^2 + c^2 )
=sqrt( a^2 + b^2 + c^2 )
so in an n-dimensional space, the distance from point p to point q is
sqrt( (p.1-q.1)^2 + (p.3-q.3)^2 + (p.3-q.3)^2 + . . . + (p.n-q.n)^2 )
(grr, how do you get nbsp; spaces to work? I can't do sigma notation without spaces to align the sub and superscritps. hrmph.)
hope that helps
edit: hehe, looks like i was beaten to it while i posted.
[ April 30, 2003, 00:38: Message edited by: Gwaihir ]
April 30th, 2003, 02:09 AM
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Re: [OT] pythageoron and 3d
Originally posted by Gwaihir:
just keep adding sides squared under the sqrt.
because the first diagonal is used as a side with the next "rectangular" side, so it looks like this (where a, b, c are the height, length, width, and you want the diagonal of the box):
diagonal of a side:
sqrt( a^2 + b^2 )
diagonal of box = diagonal of (diagonal of side & height):
sqrt( sqrt( a^2 + b^2 )^2 + c^2 )
=sqrt( a^2 + b^2 + c^2 )
so in an n-dimensional space, the distance from point p to point q is
sqrt( (p.1-q.1)^2 + (p.3-q.3)^2 + (p.3-q.3)^2 + . . . + (p.n-q.n)^2 )
(grr, how do you get nbsp; spaces to work? I can't do sigma notation without spaces to align the sub and superscritps. hrmph.)
num; where num is the number of the symbol you are looking for:
1 to 255 (but it goes higher):
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9:	 10:
 11: 12: 13:
 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32:  33:! 34:" 35:# 36:$ 37:% 38:& 39:' 40:( 41:) 42:* 43:+ 44:, 45:- 46:. 47:/ 48:0 49:1 50:2 51:3 52:4 53:5 54:6 55:7 56:8 57:9 58:: 59:; 60:< 61:= 62:> 63:? 64:@ 65:A 66:B 67:C 68:D 69:E 70:F 71:G 72:H 73:I 74:J 75:K 76:L 77:M 78:N 79:O 80:P 81:Q 82:R 83:S 84:T 85:U 86:V 87:W 88:X 89:Y 90:Z 91:[ 92:\ 93:] 94:^ 95:_ 96:` 97:a 98:b 99:c 100:d 101:e 102:f 103:g 104:h 105:i 106:j 107:k 108:l 109:m 110:n 111:o 112:p 113:q 114:r 115:s 116:t 117:u 118:v 119:w 120:x 121:y 122:z 123:{ 124:| 125:} 126:~ 127: 128:€ 129: 130:‚ 131:ƒ 132:„ 133:… 134:† 135:‡ 136:ˆ 137:‰ 138:Š 139:‹ 140:Œ 141: 142:Ž 143: 144: 145:‘ 146:’ 147:“ 148:” 149:• 150:– 151:— 152:˜ 153:™ 154:š 155:› 156:œ 157: 158:ž 159:Ÿ 160:  161:¡ 162:¢ 163:£ 164:¤ 165:¥ 166:¦ 167:§ 168:¨ 169:© 170:ª 171:« 172:¬ 173:­ 174:® 175:¯ 176:° 177:± 178:² 179:³ 180:´ 181:µ 182:¶ 183:· 184:¸ 185:¹ 186:º 187:» 188:¼ 189:½ 190:¾ 191:¿ 192:À 193:Á 194: 195:à 196:Ä 197:Å 198:Æ 199:Ç 200:È 201:É 202:Ê 203:Ë 204:Ì 205:Í 206:Î 207:Ï 208:Ð 209:Ñ 210:Ò 211:Ó 212:Ô 213:Õ 214:Ö 215:× 216:Ø 217:Ù 218:Ú 219:Û 220:Ü 221:Ý 222:Þ 223:ß 224:à 225:á 226:â 227:ã 228:ä 229:å 230:æ 231:ç 232:è 233:é 234:ê 235:ë 236:ì 237:í 238:î 239:ï 240:ð 241:ñ 242:ò 243:ó 244:ô 245:õ 246:ö 247:÷ 248:ø 249:ù 250:ú 251:û 252:ü 253:ý 254:þ 255:ÿ
Many of these can also be done with the alt-num method:
1 to 255 (does not go higher):
1:☺ 2:☻ 3:♥ 4:♦ 5:♣ 6:♠ 7:• 8:◘ 9:○ 10:◙ 11:♂ 12:♀ 13:♪ 14:♫ 15:☼ 16:► 17:◄ 18:↕ 19:‼ 20:¶ 21:§ 22:▬ 23:↨ 24:↑ 25:↓ 26:→ 27:← 28:∟ 29:↔ 30:▲ 31:▼ 32: 33:! 34:" 35:# 36:$ 37:% 38:& 39:' 40 41 42:* 43:+ 44:, 45:- 46:. 47:/ 48:0 49:1 50:2 51:3 52:4 53:5 54:6 55:7 56:8 57:9 58:: 59:; 60:< 61:= 62:> 63:? 64:@ 65:A 66:B 67:C 68 69:E 70:F 71:G 72:H 73:I 74:J 75:K 76:L 77:M 78:N 79:O 80:P 81:Q 82:R 83:S 84:T 85:U 86:V 87:W 88:X 89:Y 90:Z 91:[ 92:\ 93:]94:^ 95:_ 96:` 97:a 98:b 99:c 100:d 101:e 102:f 103:g 104:h 105:i 106:j 107:k 108:l 109:m 110:n 111 112 113:q 114:r 115:s 116:t 117:u 118:v 119:w 120:x 121:y 122:z 123:{ 124:| 125:} 126:~ 127:⌂ 128:Ç 129:ü 130:é 131:â 132:ä 133:à 134:å 135:ç 136:ê 137:ë 138:è 139:ï 140:î 141:ì 142:Ä 143:Å 144:É 145:æ 146:Æ 147:ô 148:ö 149:ò 150:û 151:ù 152:ÿ 153:Ö 154:Ü 155:¢ 156:£ 157:¥ 158:₧ 159:ƒ 160:á 161:í 162:ó 163:ú 164:ñ 165:Ñ 166:ª 167:º 168:¿ 169:⌐ 170:¬ 171:½ 172:¼ 173:¡ 174:« 175:» 176:░ 177:▒ 178:▓ 179:│ 180:┤ 181:╡ 182:╢ 183:╖ 184:╕ 185:╣ 186:║ 187:╗ 188:╝ 189:╜ 190:╛ 191:┐ 192:└ 193:┴ 194:┬ 195:├ 196:─ 197:┼ 198:╞ 199:╟ 200:╚ 201:╔ 202:╩ 203:╦ 204:╠ 205:═ 206:╬ 207:╧ 208:╨ 209:╤ 210:╥ 211:╙ 212:╘ 213:╒ 214:╓ 215:╫ 216:╪ 217:┘ 218:┌ 219:█ 220:▄ 221:▌ 222:▐ 223:▀ 224:α 225:ß 226:Γ 227:π 228:Σ 229:σ 230:µ 231:τ 232:Φ 233:Θ 234:Ω 235:δ 236:∞ 237:φ 238:ε 239:∩ 240:≡ 241:± 242:≥ 243:≤ 244:⌠ 245:⌡ 246:÷ 247:≈ 248:° 249:∙ 250:· 251:√ 252:ⁿ 253:² 254:■ 255:
Note that the two tables are identicle between numbers 32 and 126.
Also, the Alt-method is implementation dependant over 126; you can't be sure how the other people will see it.
Also, it's a different table if you use a leading 0 (but I don't feel like posting it).
Originally posted by Gwaihir:
hope that helps
edit: hehe, looks like i was beaten to it while i posted.
Yes; but you posted the proof.
[ April 30, 2003, 01:45: Message edited by: Jack Simth ]
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.
April 30th, 2003, 02:46 AM
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Re: [OT] pythageoron and 3d
Originally posted by Gwaihir:
(grr, how do you get nbsp; spaces to work? I can't do sigma notation without spaces to align the sub and superscritps. hrmph.)
You can have spaces by enclosing your text inside [ CODE ] [/ CODE ]
Like so:
sqrt( Σ ( p - q )^2)
i=1 i i
But my sigma Σ turns into a different character, even though it looks correct when I typed it.
ALT-228 doesn't produce a sigma for me. I get this: _
Edit: now it changed into something else yet again, what's going on?
[ April 30, 2003, 01:48: Message edited by: Kamog ]
April 30th, 2003, 02:50 AM
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Re: [OT] pythageoron and 3d
Don't you just hate implementation dependance? Try finding one with the & # num; method.
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.
April 30th, 2003, 03:35 AM
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Re: [OT] pythageoron and 3d
So only some subset of HTML is actually allowed i guess.
I wrote a little javascript table maker to test ranges of #s for the $# method a while back, and I seem to recall that it goes up al least to the low 5-digits (there may be wrapping going on tho). Given the stuff i got in chunks at higher indices, i think that it may be different language add-ons or some such. Does anyone know if this is in fact the case?
Here's a pretty good listing, includes some chars up to 9830 (the diamond suit):
(go to character set, near the bottom of the title bar's "page" list)
the alt-method actually inserts the character, so it won't work for space-making. It seems that only the Last 7 digits are used:
AHA, it wraps at 65536:
alt-6 = ♠
alt-65542 = ♠
alt-500 = ⌠
alt-66036 = ⌠
Sadly, no really special characters like backspace and carriage return (the kind without the attached newline . . . *evil ☺*
interesting, i get a more complete set:
question, did smile, negative of smilie, heart, diamond, club, spade show on everyone else's system? I know the high chars are system-dependent, but i think the low chars may be as well.
edit: AHA! after posting, it went to the same as your list . . . and upon viewing the source, it appears that the special characters are not included in the HTML (of course this makes sense, it's stored in 1-byte plaintext) and therefore are converted to the appropriate ASCII &# code. However, the browser (i guess its the browser, although i thought that it handled those chars just fine before . . . guess i recall incorrectly) doensn't recognize some of them, so poof we get boxes.
Does anyone know what alt is calling on? is it a non-ASCII standard?
[ April 30, 2003, 02:40: Message edited by: Gwaihir ]
April 30th, 2003, 04:37 AM
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Re: [OT] pythageoron and 3d
thanks. turns out i was doing it right after all. i was worried i'd have to cube root it or something.
[ April 30, 2003, 03:37: Message edited by: narf poit chez BOOM ]
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
A* E* Se! Gd! $-- C-^- Ai** M-- S? Ss---- RA Pw? Fq Bb++@ Tcp? L++++
Some of my webcomics. I've got 400+ webcomics at Last count, some dead.
Sig updated to remove non-working links.
April 30th, 2003, 07:39 AM
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Re: [OT] pythageoron and 3d
Originally posted by Gwaihir:
So only some subset of HTML is actually allowed i guess.
I wrote a little javascript table maker to test ranges of #s for the $# method a while back, and I seem to recall that it goes up al least to the low 5-digits (there may be wrapping going on tho). Given the stuff i got in chunks at higher indices, i think that it may be different language add-ons or some such. Does anyone know if this is in fact the case?
I'm reasonably sure that is what is going on.
Originally posted by Gwaihir:
Here's a pretty good listing, includes some chars up to 9830 (the diamond suit):
(go to character set, near the bottom of the title bar's "page" list)
the alt-method actually inserts the character, so it won't work for space-making. It seems that only the Last 7 digits are used:
AHA, it wraps at 65536:
alt-6 = ♠
alt-65542 = ♠
alt-500 = ⌠
alt-66036 = ⌠
This one is done at a very basic level on your local computer; it wraps at 16 (65536) bits for you. On many computers, it wraps at 8 (256) bits.
Originally posted by Gwaihir:
Sadly, no really special characters like backspace and carriage return (the kind without the attached newline . . . *evil ☺*
interesting, i get a more complete set:
question, did smile, negative of smilie, heart, diamond, club, spade show on everyone else's system? I know the high chars are system-dependent, but i think the low chars may be as well.
edit: AHA! after posting, it went to the same as your list . . . and upon viewing the source, it appears that the special characters are not included in the HTML (of course this makes sense, it's stored in 1-byte plaintext) and therefore are converted to the appropriate ASCII &# code. However, the browser (i guess its the browser, although i thought that it handled those chars just fine before . . . guess i recall incorrectly) doensn't recognize some of them, so poof we get boxes.
The text box you enter stuff in and the way it is viewed are two different implementations, and have different abilities. This is why the difference. However, for amusement, I would suggest looking at it in different browsers, and from different computers, and in different OS's, so that you can see the varying differences.
Originally posted by Gwaihir:
Does anyone know what alt is calling on? is it a non-ASCII standard?
The Alt method runs at your machine before the data is sent to the forum; the num; method runs on the browser, after the data has come back. ASCII standard really only applies for 0-127; however, there isn't anything that requires a program use ASCII. It is just strongly advised for the majority of the set.
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.
April 30th, 2003, 09:11 AM
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Re: [OT] pythageoron and 3d
It may be that it wraps earlier for me too, i was just too lazy to check.
hehe, there I go again with stupid assumptions (and we all know what assumptions do . . . ) I shoulda figured that it would wrap there when I saw that it used the 8000s and 9000s for #s in the 1-256 range. oops.
I wonder where the &# wraps though. I think its probably 65536, since its clearly not 256. Unless it does something weird and uses only part of a byte --- riiiiiiight.
I was just wondering if the ALT- method actually does comply with some standard, because there are a few smaller/older standards out there . . . a lot of the chars it produces are old DOS "graphic" characters, tree lines, borders, etc. (Yay DOS! wheeeee!) There must have been a standard for that.
I think I'll see if Linux and Macs have a similar character shortcut (well, sort of see, by trial and error, so i guess i can only prove a positive) I'm assuming that all of the people posting the Alt- stuff are Windows Users, since Macs don't have Alt, and there aren't many Linuxers out there.
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