Re: Perking up the AI
Yep. Mod attached. It applies to every commander except the Goat Sun and the Mandaha - I removed it from them because it overwrote their Heat from Hell and Darkness effects respectively. If there are any other base game units which autocast things then it will have broken them too, but according to Edi's database there aren't.
If you wanted to tailor it for a particular nation, you'd have to find the unit numbers of that commander's nations (look at their descriptions and hit Shift+I), then go into the mod and stop the lines which refer to those commanders working. You can do that simply by replacing the hashes on those lines with hyphens, e.g. "#selectunit" -> "-selectunit". Or you could just delete the lines, but I prefer to leave them there in broken form as documentation of what's been done.
Last edited by llamabeast; February 18th, 2009 at 07:05 AM..