Originally Posted by chrispedersen
I'm playing a game right now, and with +2 luck, in the first 5 turns, I've had earthquake(killed pop and temple), fire (burned lab), and plague.
I had a SP game i was trying to turn-bash expansion in. Lk+3. By the end of turn 8 the game was unplayable due to 3 overwhelming indie attacks (including one that put my capitol under siege), burned lab, and a capitol plague. Also numerous unrest and curse events. Number of positive events? 1 (woo, +15 province defense!). Combined with a really unlucky combat that lost most of my largest expansion army due to routing early (and my capitol getting sieged, so no retreat route), and there really wasn't much I could do.
Maybe more bad events need to become impossible with good luck scales as well? But I still maintain the lab burns event is really reamful.