Re: Hell sword vs Wraith sword vs Blood thorn
Oy, Frank, have you actually used these builds in a game? To my eye some seem rather dysfunctional, but I might be wrong. One thing to note is that the Heart of Life is not better than an amulet of resilience, and here's why: The chest wound gives you 5 encumberance. If you have quickness, this means 10 additional fatigue per combat turn and thus it does nothing but hogs the slot. (Yah, if you have 0 base and don't cast spells it won't matter, but why would you need reinvigoration at all if that is the case?)
Also, I think you shouldn't dismiss Cherry's suggestions quite so quickly, most of them are pretty useful items. (Well, I never did use a leather shield but still.) And a Pan with a random in astral can make a Totem shield, right?