Well I do not have much xp in pvp mod of dominions...but what I learned form computers show to me the best way of deff for short time (after that u have to push an counterattack)...
When some one att u,make a solid deff in provinces (pull an line) 2-3 months from your borders,build some hard forts if possible (mountain) in provinces with no fort rais a lot of province def army (u know the thing that goes to 125) and rais or gather army with minimal 2xp in it...when enamy comes to the line start torture him with magic and then pull an counterattack (u can even wait untill he lose a lot of army on your deff line and then strike)
That works for me,almost every time...
How to recover...Have no good idea,I usually put low taxes for 3 months in taken provinces,and build tempels and prists that preach,that helps a lot...and then i strike again...
Sorry for bad english,I hope u could understand me...