Concerning Pangaea and Luck:
I've found l3/t3 to be great in MP if I survive to the late game. I prefer the many gem events to the lost income. The great thing about Pangaea is that even though Maenads are a one trick pony, they can carry you through the early game. It's not uncommon to be able to eliminate a nearby opponent with Maenad swarms, especially if the map is crowded. This doesn't guarantee survival into the late game, but it does give you some early game strength.
Also, if graphs are turned on, it has been my experience that people tend to shy away from attacking you if your army is many times the size of theirs, and Pangaea is not seen as a big threat in the late game depending on era.
That being said, going the opposite direction with Pangaea and cranking out tons of Minotaurs sure is sexy as well
