So, I've been making a new reference tool. Currently its just for browsing magic items but it could be expanded to view units and spells. Here's a rundown of the current features (intentional features anyway

- Reads mod file dynamically (so it works with past and future mods effortlessly).
- Sort the full list of items on multiple columns, or search by name (there's no database backend so its instant search!).
- Shows item details on mouseover. Click to open draggable detail boxes to compare items.
- Displays linked weapon and armor details along with the item (including secondary effects). It reveals many hidden stats.. some clearly, some not so clearly. Unfortunately it doesn't include descriptions on most items (at least not yet).
Its online:
CBM 1.92
Its new, and made by me so there will be errors, inacuracies, and annoyances. Please be patient and report problems and wishes for improvement

Technical stuff:
Its written in javascript (no dynamic server code). I extracted the base data from this project: Perhaps thats not the most up-to-date or reliable source but it woudln't be a massive deal changing it. I understand a lot of work has gone into compiling databases and information, I'm trying to make a convenient viewer for that information.
I'm not a modder so I've not got a full understanding of the proper meaning of each variable or the quirks of mod-commands. I've tried to implement mod commands as detailed in the modding manual. Any insights would be appreciated