Possible bug
Hey there
I saw something in the game that maybe is a bug not sure maybe there is a reason for it. Its like this. I was the defender and sitting waiting while the enemy came forward and I noticed that the enemy fire pits started appearing on the map after just a few turns and I thought that was a bit funny because I couldnt really see any of those firepits, like they were behind trees or hills or further away than I could look.
After a while I could work out the direction where all his troops were advancing from and there was a big gap in the enemy firepits so I thought that there wouldnt be any troops coming at me from that direction and there wasnt so I ran some fast troops through that gap destroyed all his artillery behind him and won the game.
So isnt showing me where all his original positions were like to much information. Cause in real life I wouldnt have that information but the game gives it to me for free and that lost the game for him.