Perking up the AI
After playing a few SP games, I've come to the conclusion and so probably have all of you, that the AI struggles to fit the pieces of the game together. It may be possible to help it out in the bless deparment by giving some of their commanders Holy 3 enabling them to cast divine blessing.
It is not uncommon for an AI to have atrocious scales but a major investment in magic. I know the AI recruits sacred but it never seems to plan for the bless trigger. Some nations don't have H3 access apart from the prophet and it is unlikely the AI would priorities sacred to be with the prophet.
So, would it be possible to mod the nations to have H3 commanders? What sort of difference would you think it'll make to the AI's use of bless? Should all their commanders be H3? (this might overkill summons though.) Could you move divine blessing over to another magic path? maybe all level 3 magics? this would keep the balance regarding holy assaults on the dead...
Just musing on this, just a change for the AI.