
March 1st, 2004, 07:27 PM
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Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1
How does the PBW plays?
What do I need in my PC? (SE4, patch191, Proportions 2.5.3, anything else?)
Siegebreaker: +1 command when under siege
Good-looking: +1 influence
Social drinker: +1 influence
Obsessional trainer: +1 morale to troops, forced march
Devout: -1 influence
Administratively inept: -2 management

March 1st, 2004, 07:51 PM
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Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1
well it is symiltanios turns.
you dont realy need anything else. except to put http://seiv.pbw.cc into your favorates
once you have signed up there click the game lisings (attack button on the left) then click "Currently Open Games" (button in the middle, looks like a fleat with a sun)
scrol down the list till you find "PvK's Proportions Game #1"
and select the empire which you want to take over in there.

March 1st, 2004, 07:56 PM
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Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1
oh yea, if you have modified proportions then get the se4 mod picker (its on the gold CD)
install that, then change the directort name of your modifed proportions. and install annother unmodified Version of proportions.
you should see both Versions in the mod picker.

March 1st, 2004, 08:19 PM
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Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1
This game is actually using Proportions Mod, rather than 2.5.3 or It's available from the Proportions web page (see link below). SE4 will tell you if you try to load the turn using the wrong Version of the mod.

March 2nd, 2004, 06:03 AM
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Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1
ah right, good point. so sb will need (which you can put in a seprate folder)

April 3rd, 2004, 11:07 PM
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Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1
Since Rollo just left all his PBW games, we could really use a replacement player to take over the Space Vikings in this epic Proportions mod PBW game. They have a strong central position in the quadrant, with two homeworlds and many lucrative asteroid mines, but they have made some opponents, and were just about to have to face some Draconian attacks when Rollo left.
If anyone wants to join as another nation, we also still have viable positions open for the Enlightened Plague (old allies of the Vikings also centrally located but eroded somewhat under AI control), Slu'vek (remotely located research types with an extra homeworld (with no cultural centers) expansion potential but removed from the current action unless they develop warp tech), Krsqk (bug empire in a very remote corner of the quadrant - they'd probably need to develop warp tech or attack the Slu'vek to see much action).
The Kobaians and Chryslonites are more or less out of the game, as the Chryslonites have only one colony, and the Kobaians are nearly-extinct exiles whom the Draconians want to return to their Viking-held homeworld.

April 4th, 2004, 08:48 PM
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Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1
Do you think about ... #2 "already" ? With another setup (small quadrant, not so many players) maybe?
It looks like it would take half a day of hard work just to get an idea about what goes on in an empire like the Vikings, needless to talk about the rest of the quadrant and alliances...

April 4th, 2004, 09:00 PM
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Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1
i would like to join a proportions game, but only a new one. The first time i "replaced" a player was in adamant11 and man that SUCKS. i hate to continue what other players began, you cant simply change your way when the empire has been played like 25 turns :[ Anyway, if there will be a new proportions game, count me in !

April 4th, 2004, 11:44 PM
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Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1
Ok, well we could start another one on a smaller map. On the other hand, what many players dislike about Proportions is the amount of time it takes to build up and establish an empire, develop conflicts with others, research even to the middle of the tech tree, etc., and so joining this one offers a way to start with that lengthy process already achieved.
Personally, even in unmodded SE4 where the empires get even larger by mid-game, I kind of like starting out a game with an existing history and working with what others have started.

April 5th, 2004, 07:14 PM
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Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1
The amount of time to establish is the reason I think about a small amount of reliable (obviously I do not talk about me) players who should be aware of this problem, or would even like this. There are some ways to accelerate the problematic first time frame - where most players seem to quit:
-low research costs
-3 planet start
-medium tech start
What I personally dislike about 99% of the PBW games is to be forced to build alliances, trade techs and all that team wonging stuff that only depends on who to meet first - who else to slay next with combined research power. If this could be disabled (which is not possible) somehow it would probably make up a game to my taste. But I guess it is a minority who would like to play it this way, so I remain to be a typical single role player.
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