Ok, I havent been around much for the Last two weeks, as such sod all has been done on the mod
Now, due too the fact that its taking soo bloody long to do everything from scratch Ive decided to restart it, but this time modding using the data from campaign one and just altering that until either its hits a point of it being completely different or some tools that will make modding SF a million times easier find their way onto the net
I will try and get something sorted for release by either tonight or tomorrow night
Expect 3 never seen before ships (2 if I cant get hold of Exan

) the intergration of Wydraz Mizendar mod ideas into TPM, new weapons, components and many other things and this (I hope) is just the first Version
For now I bid you all farewell and sweet dreams an... zzzZZzZZZzzZZzzzzzz
[ April 02, 2004, 01:44: Message edited by: DeadZone ]