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Old April 19th, 2004, 12:12 AM
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Default Re: Warhammer clone mod

A Warhammer FB mod would be great, to bad I know nothing about coding/scripting and i suck with graphics...or els I would be more then happy to help ya out =)
"What you're forgetting is that a wizard did it." - Sombre
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Old April 19th, 2004, 12:17 AM

Theldan Theldan is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer clone mod

Originally posted by AztraGoth:
A Warhammer FB mod would be great, to bad I know nothing about coding/scripting and i suck with graphics...or els I would be more then happy to help ya out =)
If you have any ideas with what you would like to see in the mod that would be helpful
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Old April 19th, 2004, 08:10 PM
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Default Re: Warhammer clone mod

Best of luck. I spent a few days working on a skaven mod, and ran into a mostly figurative brick wall the moment I got past the bare essentials.
That is to say, all the stats and flavor text are in place, and I know someone who could whip up some reasonable quality sprites, but all the skaven game mechanics not represented by Dom 2 unit stats seem impossible to mod in at the moment.

I've been experimenting with the "standard" ability to simulate skaven pack morale, and have gotten what you might call mixed results.

There's presently no way to make a weapon have an increased chance of causing battle afflictions.

Disease causing attacks(Rather than disease clouds), gouts of warpfire, poison wind globes and poisoned weapons can presently only be made by modifying existing weapons, which is an awfully unsanitary way of doing this sort of thing. If only there were a #duplicate [number] command, to make a new weapon identical to an existing one, but with a different serial number.

A supply penalty and generous pillage bonus seem to semiadequately portray skaven logistics, but the ability to substitute unburied corpses for supplies would be ideal. Plus, since there's no way to tag a unit "starves first, eats Last", I had to make skavenslaves #neednoteat and #noheal, to keep them from eating all the Clanrats' food.

There's presently no way to start plague monks/skavenslaves/etc. off with battle afflictions, Ikit Claw cannot start out horror marked, and so on.

Clan Pestilens troops cannot be made immune to Miasma, not can they be given any noncombat disease-related abilities, nor can the Council Bell Tower site, Screaming Bell unit and Horned Rat pretender increase turmoil and misfortune, Lord Skrolk increase death, and so on.

Reinvigoration, particularly reinvigoration penalties(For Pestilens troops) can't be modded in, nor can partial Quickness(For Pestilens troops and assassins), Air Shield(For Snikch), Blood Vengeance(For Thanquol), Luck(For Queek and Thanquol), siege bonus(For sappers and Warlock Engineers), patrol bonus(For Quartermasters, the professional logistics bastards and Brute Squad leaders of the Underempire) and much, much more.

Gray Seers can't be given Screaming Bells, experienced Gutter Runners can't be upgraded to Assassins, Eshin contracts can't expire after one assassination(Gladiator style).

Summoning Vermin Lords can't incur the risk of a horror mark(Which is a shame, since this could be a nice overlap between Earthdawn/Dominions/Warhammer. Skaven summoning is based almost entirely on overkill. Hurl all you've got at reality, until it breaks).

Screaming bells can't curse(Ark style), can't be mobile, juggernaut style temple checks, and can't disrupt magic, nor can the Doomwheel.

For that matter, not a single aspect of the Doomwheel can be simulated.

Warpstone consumption can't be simulated, neither as a battlefield spell nor as an insanely risky, mostly random, low death-gem cost alternative to empowerment.

Skaven can't be made inherently unnatural, random sorcery picks and truly random spell picks can both result in the nature path, and empowerment cannot be made to cost more nature gems/be impossible.

Cross breeding can be modified to not require the nature path, but this affects all nations, not just Clan Moulder. Moulder Warlocks can't be given a bonus to this spell, either. Entirely new spells such as Death Frenzy are entirely out of the question.

Gray Seers can't be made to appear of their own accord, hero style, when your Dominion is high enough and you've got relatively few Seers.

And that's just what I could think of offhand. I've actually got a few handwritten pages of planned features, which I go into in great detail, most of which have more to do with my take on the skaven and the transition from tactical to strategic than with copying and pasting Warhammer stats. None of the aforementioned features are even remotely feasible. Still, even without expanding on the material already present in Warhammer, I imagine a comprehensive Warhammer mod would be much, much more demanding than a skaven mod and, if these are just some of the problems I've run into after about two days of planning and two days of work/testing/finding roundabout solutions to problems, I really don't envy you.
This is all too bad, because my conception of the Skaven seems to have an ideal strategic and tactical niche in Dominions 2. I figure they'd replace Pangaea, as some of the two nations' abilities are rather similar, and Pangaea isn't needed to keep another specific nation in check. Besides, Ulm has to be there to get its *** kicked by Skavenblight, Ermor has to be there to pwn the Underempire, and Marignon has to be there to pwn Ermor.
Ack, I'm getting way ahead of myself, it'll be a long, long while before I can get anything remotely playable done. And yet I've already got three themes in mind, each of which almost completely redefines Skavendom. My favorite is Dharmic Hordes.

What? Quit staring at me. Not like I'm the first person to make plans he's got no chance of actually carrying out.
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Old April 19th, 2004, 08:23 PM
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Default Re: Warhammer clone mod

That's an amazing list and I can't offer a lot of counterpossibilities to fix the things that can't be done yet.

However, at the very least, you can put together a starting mod and just go from there. I imagine that more options will open as the patches pile on. And while some workarounds will be unwieldy for the time being, I think it'd be pretty awesome to at least get the framework in place and out there for public discussion.

Good luck!
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Old April 19th, 2004, 09:21 PM
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Default Re: Warhammer clone mod

Make your wishes for new mod commands:

#marked (starts with HM)
#afflicted (starts with affs)

would not be too difficult I believe.


I do not remember how 'Death Frenzy' works in Warhammer, but you can mod 'berserk' and 'touch of madness' into being death spells restricted to skaven only.


Mod Pythium or Man if you want innumerable heroes. 'Master of games' and 'Knight of the Stone' are unlimited. They are still rare though. Make the blind one into Thanquol etc and make the knights into unspecific grey seers.


do not think this is moddable, but I can give magic skill bonuses (including negative ones) to units. Wish for a #magicboost command.


Clan pestilence will be immune to miasma if given swamp survival.
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Old April 19th, 2004, 11:11 PM

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Default Re: Warhammer clone mod

Originally posted by Theldan:
Don't think I can make fanatics though. The scripting does not work for those things, thinking of trample, but since gobbos are small size, that means the only thing they can trample is mice and killer rabbits. If you have any ideas on how to incorporate them please tell me!
Um... By given' them trample but not making 'em small? Seriously, couldn't you just set their size up to three or four? They are, after all, drugged-up gobbos swingin' great-wonkin'-big ball 'n chains all over the place. 'Tisn't exactly compact...

[ April 19, 2004, 22:13: Message edited by: E. Albright ]
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Old April 19th, 2004, 11:41 PM
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Default Re: Warhammer clone mod

Originally posted by Kristoffer O:
Make your wishes for new mod commands:
The ability to give the effect of a specific item to a unit would be nice. Something like building a lifelong protection into the Moloch.
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Old April 20th, 2004, 12:28 AM

Theldan Theldan is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer clone mod

Originally posted by E. Albright:
Originally posted by Theldan:
Don't think I can make fanatics though. The scripting does not work for those things, thinking of trample, but since gobbos are small size, that means the only thing they can trample is mice and killer rabbits. If you have any ideas on how to incorporate them please tell me!
Um... By given' them trample but not making 'em small? Seriously, couldn't you just set their size up to three or four? They are, after all, drugged-up gobbos swingin' great-wonkin'-big ball 'n chains all over the place. 'Tisn't exactly compact...
The Only problem with increasing their size is that their upkeep is higher and they take up a LOT of room on the battle map. I guess I could make them lifeless but then they would not need any upkeep or food. Belive me, my favorite units in the whole of warhammer is the gobbo fanatics. I would love to have them in the game.
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Old April 20th, 2004, 12:47 AM

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Default Re: Warhammer clone mod

With the skaven army being SO diverse(even more then the orcs) they will be the most difficult to tranfer to Dom2. I have the basic units down but not their special abilities(most of which the game can not do(yet )are of course not in. But there are thing I want to keep in the first mod very similar to the WHFB game and not just to it's history.

Like being able to get all units, and not being restricted(since that can not be done). Like fielding an army of Doomwheels would be absolutly AWSOME, but unlikely when considering how many resources it would take to build one.

For the slaves you could just make them small and cheap(like 1 gold ea) but increase their resource cost to 5 or 6. That cost being how many resources it takes to round them up.

I do not hink it would be possible to limit tan army to one grey seer except to make them too expensive, but then nobody would want them.

I love the plague censors, and wish to have them in the game but I can not figure it out, maybe give them a limited Version of the "Bile" ability as a weapon? Am gonna test that soon.

And if you do have any pics for the skaven I would love to see them, Mine are really terrible......really

As for the reinvigorate in the clan pestilense, you can increase their encumbrance, an increase the AP skill is all that is required, the only problem is the multiple attacks for leaders.Other then giving a general 4swords or a sword with 4 attacks, which you would have to give to magic items too(and that would bee too powerful), I do not see a way around that.

[ April 20, 2004, 00:00: Message edited by: Theldan ]
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Old April 20th, 2004, 12:48 AM
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Default Re: Warhammer clone mod

Originally posted by Theldan:
Originally posted by AztraGoth:
A Warhammer FB mod would be great, to bad I know nothing about coding/scripting and i suck with graphics...or els I would be more then happy to help ya out =)
If you have any ideas with what you would like to see in the mod that would be helpful
Ill go up to the addic and dig up my old Chaos FB army book(or was it codex it was called?) and look though it...there is a commander riding a two-headed dragon that I would like to see in game =P (cant remeber his name)
"What you're forgetting is that a wizard did it." - Sombre
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