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Old December 5th, 2005, 05:32 PM
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Default Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets

TDM-Modpack Version 3.60, for download click here

Update from TDM-Modpack Version 3.40 or 3.50 to Version 3.60, for download click here

TDM-ModPack 3.60 (Deluxe Version)
March 04, 2006

For use with Space Empires IV Version 1.91 and later.

First - many thanks to the folks at Malfador Machinations ("MM") and Shrapnel Games for their continued support and communication with the gaming community. Since MM is dedicated to releasing a number of future patches, this "Mod" pack does not contain any modified tech trees, new components or facilities, just a major overhaul to the AI files to get the most of the current version of SE4.

AUTO-INSTALLER - Just double-click on the file and follow the instructions.

(1) Copy the file "original Path.txt" from the TDM-ModPack folder to your Space Empires IV folder.

(2) Delete the file "Path.txt" in your Space Empire IV folder.

(3) Rename the file "Original Path.txt" now located in the Space Empire IV folder to "Path.txt".

(4) The game will now run with it's default settings. The "TDM-ModPack" folder is still present. You can either delete it now or keep it to reinstall the TDM-ModPack if you desire to do so. To re-install the ModPack, follow the instructions for un-install but use the "TDM-ModPack Path.txt" instead.

(1) Open the file "Path.txt" in your Space Empires IV folder.

(2) Alter this line:

Using Mod Directory := TDM-ModPack


Using Mod Directory := None

(3) Save and close the file "Path.txt".

(4) The game will now run with it's default settings. The "TDM-ModPack" folder is still present. You can either delete it now or keep it to reinstall the TDM-ModPack if you desire to do so. To re-install the ModPack, follow the instructions for un-install but use the "TDM-ModPack Path.txt" instead.

We are happy to be able to incorporate one of the best utilities created by a fellow player for those that use mods with this game. This utility was designed by Matryx and is included with his express permission. It allows you to choose a particular "mod" folder upon starting SE4. This utility will be automatically installed along with the TDM-ModPack and will be located in your main SE4 folder. For more detailed information be sure to read the file "SE4Launcher.doc" located in the main SE4 directory after installation. To use:

(1) Press your "Start" button on the windows task bar, select "Programs," then select "TDM-ModPack" and click on the program called "SE4 ModLauncher"
(2) When the utility starts, choose the mod in the left most column that you would like to use for this game by clicking once with the mouse (note- the utility automatically creates these choices based on the list of folders located in your main directory and is designed to give your information for each mod that contains a "modinfo.txt" file)
(3) Once your selection is made, click the button called "Play SEIV."
(4) That's it! If you selected the "TDM-ModPack" you should be greeted with our specially modified intro screen to let you know your selection was successful.

If you want to use other Mods while playing the TDM-ModPack, make sure to install all other MODs you download into the "TDM-ModPack" folder and do not edit or overwrite the "Path.txt" in your Space Empires IV folder. Following these instructions makes sure you don't cripple your ModPack installation involuntarily. BEWARE: Overriding any files in the "TDM-ModPack" folder may disrupt your ModPack installation!

VERSION 3.60 - Deluxe-Version of the TDM-ModPack released on the Internet with all available races.

Compiled file contains the following:

(01) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Aquilaeian" - Version 2.50 (with shipset by Klaus Lehtonen a/k/a Zarix and AI files by Master Belisarius).

(02) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Colonials" - Version 1.23 (with shipset and AI files by Dracus).

(03) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Cue Cappa" - Version 1.21 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Rollo and speech file by Quikngruvn).

(04) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Cylons" - Version 1.40 (with shipset and AI files by Dracus).

(05) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Dra'kol" - Version 2.30 (with shipset by Don Phillips a/k/a Voidhawk, AI files by Tampa_Gamer and speech file by John Zamarra).

(06) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Earth Alliance" - Version 4.00 (with shipset by Randy Stulce and other artists and AI files by Mephisto).

(07) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "EEE" - Version 1.30 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Rexxx).

(08) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Fazrah" - Version 1.60 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Blade).

(09) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Gron" - Version 1.10 (with shipset by Richard Meics, AI files by Rexxx).

(10) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Jraenar" - Version 1.78j (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by God Emperor).

(11) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Klingons" - Version 1.78j (with shipset from Atrocities, AI files by God Emperor).

(12) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Krill" - Version 3.00 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Atraikius).

(13) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Narn Regime" - Version 4.00 (with shipset by Randy Stulce and other artists and AI/speech files by Mephisto).

(14) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Norak" - Version 2.10 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Daynarr).

(15) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Orks" - Version 3.00 (with shipset and AI files by Atraikius).

(16) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Piundon - Version 1.70 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Tampa_Gamer, speech file by John Zamarra)

(17) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Praetorian" - Version 1.78j (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by God Emperor).

(18) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Pyrochette" - Version 2.40 (with shipset by Grand Mausic Yith Saulkar and AI files by Master Belisarius).

(19) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Rage Collective" - Version 4.00 (with shipset by Alpha Kodiak and AI files by Unknown Enemy)

(20) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Romulans" - Version 1.78j (with shipset from Atrocities, AI files by God Emperor).

(21) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Sallega" - Version 1.78j (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by God Emperor).

(22) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Sergetti" - Version 2.10 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Daynarr).

(23) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Shadows" - Version 1.78j (with shipset from Atrocities, AI files by God Emperor).

(24) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Terran" - Version 4.00 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Mephisto).

(25) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Tessellate" - Version 1.30 (with shipset by Gryphin and AI files by Master Belisarius).

(26) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Toltayan" - Version 1.78j (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by God Emperor).

(27) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Toron Confederation" - Version 4.00 (with shipset by Klaus Lehtonen and AI by Mephisto).

(28) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Ukratel" - Version 1.78j (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by God Emperor).

(29) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "United Flora" - Version 2.02 (with shipset by Henk Brouwer, AI files by Rollo).

(30) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Vaxin" - Version 1.31 (with shipset and AI files by Alpha Kodiak).

(31) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Vikings" - Version 1.11 (with shipset by Dogscoff and AI files by Rollo).

(32) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Xiati" - Version 4.00 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Mephisto).

(33) Complete AI Race files and Shipset for "Xi'Chung" - Version 2.20 (with default shipset by Malfador Machinations, AI files by Daynarr).

(34) Revised default AI_Planet_Types file to tweak planet selection for AI (by Daynarr).

(35) New formations.txt file that includes 9 new formations (contributions by Tampa_Gamer, Daynarr and Master Belisarius)

(36) Settings.txt modified to make "Quick Start" option available for all races - including 4 additional default races and all new races and increased default max units/ships (modified by Tampa_Gamer and Mephisto).

(37) "Modlauncher" info file added (created by Mephisto).

(38) Revised "Intro.bmp" screens for both 800x and 1024x versions to indicate that "TDM-ModPack Directory" in use (created by Tampa_Gamer).

(39) Complete SE4 Launcher Utility - Version 2.26 (created by Gregory 'DM-Matryx' Sweetman).

(40) New default AI_Construction_Units file included to increase AI unit production in default, non-modded AI races (by Tampa_Gamer and Mephisto).

VERSION 3.50 - Deluxe-Version of the TDM-ModPack released on CD. Minor maintenance updates of some files.

VERSION 3.40 - Maintenance update due to the Space Empires IV 1.91 patch. Added the "Tessellate" race.

VERSION 3.30 - Maintenance update due to the Space Empires IV 1.84 patch. 5 races were added.

VERSION 3.20 - Maintenance update due to the Space Empires IV 1.78 patch. Added the "United Flora" race.

VERSION 3.11 - Includes fixes for all known bugs from version 3.10. The Earth Alliance, the Narn, the Terrans, the Torons and the Xiati were tweaked. Fixed a problem with the install program.

VERSION 3.10 - Introduction screen now using the GOLD screen (again modified to indicate use of "TDM-ModPack Directory"), minor bug fixes, again rework of all previous races and re-adding several races that we left out on the CD for copyright reasons. Also, most of these new races files take advantage of the new features implemented via the Gold Patch.

VERSION 3.00 - GOLD-Version of the TDM-ModPack. All the races were modified and made compatible with the GOLD-Edition.

VERSION 2.00 - Introduction screens modified to indicate use of "TDM-ModPack Directory", major reworks to previous races and several races added (Cue Cappa, Jraenar, Krill, Praetorian, Ukratel, Terran, Xiati and Vaxin).

VERSION 1.80 - Aquilaeian race added, older races updated and ModLauncher info file added.

VERSION 1.75 - All races (except Norak, Xi'Chung and Sergetti which have been tested and are working with version 1.41) reworked by respective authors.

VERSION 1.72 - Minor patch to include strategy changes to Norak, Sergetti & Xi'Chung and minor tweaks/spelling corrections to other AI files

VERSION 1.71 - Revisions to all races, updated for SE4 ver 1.35 & Pyrochette race added.

VERSION 1.70 - Revisions to all races & additional races added.

VERSION 1.60 - Revisions to all races.

VERSION 1.50 - Added shipsets for two races, all AI files tweaked and updated.

VERSION 1.01 - Fixed several range errors caused by spacing and spelling error in Dra'kol files.

VERSION 1.00 - Initial Release.

(1) Each of the races has a complete revision history and additional notes contained in their own respective "readme.txt" files located in the race subfolders.

(2) You can find the most recent version of the TDM-ModPack at http://tdm.otaku42.de

(3) Contact the TDM-ModPack-Team at HeavyLoad@Gmx.de

(4) The TDM-ModPack may be freely distributed as long as no files are modified, added or deleted.

Have Fun!
- The TDM-ModPack Team
For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal. - JFK
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Old December 8th, 2005, 12:26 PM
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Default Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets

The Saturian v1.1 Deluxe

Click To View Set

It is believed that the Saturian race is among one of the oldest races known to exist in the galaxy. Despite their age, their constant clan wars have kept them from evolving technologically. From what we do know, at one point they had control over a vast stellar empire, with hundreds of planets that they completely strip-mined. They enslaved the populations of these subjugated worlds for centuries before leaving. Not much is known as to what happened, but it is believed that around 2400 years ago the Saturian’s nearly became an extinct race. It is evident that whole populations of Saturians on colony worlds died out completely. Scientist believe that a weaker race with designs on Saturian space engineered a retrovirus and deployed it within Saturian space causing the mass deaths of over thirty billion Saturians. However there is no evidence to support this theory other than ancient artifacts and centuries old data crystals that described a holocaust brought by an invading race of inferior beings. Whatever the cause, the fallen Saturian Commonwealth is back in the game with a vengeance.
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Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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Old February 10th, 2006, 02:16 PM
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Default Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets

Hey Folks,

I recently revised the Pulps and the P'ay P'ur-Baks. If you have the Pulps v2.0 and the P'ay P'ur-Baks v1.0, all you need is the text files. Here's the revised AI files for the Pulps.
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Old February 10th, 2006, 02:17 PM
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Default Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets

And here's the revised text files for the P'ay P'ur-Baks.
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Old February 10th, 2006, 02:18 PM
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Default Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets

If you don't have the earlier versions, here's the complete Pulp race set.
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Old February 10th, 2006, 02:19 PM
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Default Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets

And here's the complete P'ay P'ur-Baks.
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Old February 21st, 2006, 09:12 AM
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Default Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets

The Battlestar Galatica Colonial Fleet v1.0

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The twelve colonies of the Colonial Republic were attacked and destroyed by a race of machines known as the Cylons. Following this attack a fleet of some two hundred ships, lead by a soon to be retired military commander escaped into the vastness of space. After nearly twenty years on the run the fleet found a new home world. Using every last ship as a resource a new colony was founded. Fearing that the Cylon’s would find and attack them, the majority voted to dismantle the entire fleet, including military ships, and adopt a philosophy of isolation. For nearly four hundred years they lived in peace. But now with the resources of their world dwindling, they must once again look to the stars.
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Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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Old May 30th, 2006, 05:20 PM
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Default Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets

Contest Ship Set Complete

This file contains all five of the contest ship sets.
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Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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Old May 30th, 2006, 05:23 PM
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Default Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets

The Atrocitionians
V 1.0

Only recently were the Atrocitionians able to achieve space flight. Since that time they have expanded their empire with considerable effectiveness. They were created many millions of years ago as a means of protection. The beings that created them have long since become extinct, leaving their machines to rule their world.
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Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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Old May 30th, 2006, 05:25 PM
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Default Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets

The Derajil

All attempts at obtaining a historical accounting of the Derajil people have been met with extreme hostility. Even covert attempts have failed to produce much information about their history. We do know that the Derajil have only recently obtained space flight ability, more likely than not through the salvaging of a crashed alien ship. It is advised that any race encountering the Derajil take extreme caution and expedite any and all efforts toward homeworld defense.
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Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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