I preordered it, so imagine my joy as i finally get my hands on the shiny, shiny new Dom 3 CD yesterday morning. Almost made me forget about the annoying fact that i've been without internet for a few days because of some T-Com problems.
Anyway, now after some hours of gameplay (incredibly many hours actually, considering the fact that i have the game for just about 36 hours) i wholeheartedly want to thank the devs and the people at shrapnel for making this game. Thanks!

I'm a bit sad that my absolute favorite dom 2 nation, soulgate ermor, didn't really make it into dom 3, but other than that, it's pure joy.
Now i'm off to sucker as many of my friends into buying it as i can. And then i'll have to get them to bet a case of beer or so on the outcome of our next few games.