For a very long time now I have been under the unshakeable belief that Elvis, one of histories greats musical talents, took his own life.
They say it was an accidental drug overdose, but I don't buy it. One as experienced as Elvis was with drug use, simply does not out of the blue OD on prescription drugs. Couple this with the way he lived his last few years of life, and one only needs to look to his last concert to truly
know that he was saying good bye.
Now I have been criticized by many, but as we learn more about mental health, and to the degree of how prolonged drug dependency whittles away at ones life, one does not have to take a leap of faith to figure out that Elvis was a very depressed man who saw no way out except death.
My brother, quite literally one of Elvis's most adoring fans, eventually agreed with me after watching several shows and documentaries on Elvis. For me it was an epiphany that just came to me while we watched one such documentary in 2000. I just knew that it was no accident given his behavior just prior to his death.
I have no doubt that he chose to end his life rather than continue to live in what he must have believed to be an unbearable life.