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Old December 4th, 2007, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: OT: Cyber Nation

capnq said:
Atrocities said: And for those of you in the WP with short memories, it was OCS who saved you ALL from being ZI'ed (Zero Infrastructure)by Wolfpack a couple of months ago.
The OCS (which BTW, is now a "protectorate" of the Wolfpack) acceding to the Wolfpack's blackmail demands is one of the reasons I don't trust your judgement.
have a good sportsmen attitude when engaging in war.
If you're so keen on "good sportsmanship", why don't YOU do something about this protection racket? I'm sure the WP isn't their only victims.
We didn't cave to any blackmail. Wolfpack doesn't blackmail any one as they are an honorable alliance. We made them an offer, they accepted. Through that contact we became good friends and that blossomed into what we have today. That is good leadership, the willingness to take steps to protect your members nations and provide them with the best chances for success.

And for the record, Wolfpack has a hell of a lot more going for them than you give them credit for. They have my loyalty because they earned it. I have nothing but respect from them because I have gotten to know many of there member nations. What happened between WP and Wolfpack was unfortunate and I am sorry that you cannot see past your own anger and distrust to see the larger positive picture that lays before you.
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Old December 4th, 2007, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: OT: Cyber Nation

Renegade 13 said:
Atrocities said:
And for the record, I am not trying to recruit your 7 members. Believe me if I were recruiting them, they would already be members of OCS.

Enjoy the pounding.
The bolding was added by me for added emphasis.

From this response of yours, I take it you are one of those alliances who enjoy beating the crap out of nations then sending them messages saying "hey, if you join us we'll stop beating the crap out of you! Good deal eh? Oh, and if you don't we'll pound you into the ground just for the hell of it. Have a nice day!"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that surely is the impression I get from this post.
Again your lack of complete insight amazes me. I thought for sure after reading your post I would stop laughing, but it hasn't happened yet. So please excuse me as I take the evil alliance that I belong to and leave you and your group to your fate.
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Old December 4th, 2007, 06:14 PM
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Default Re: OT: Cyber Nation


Now, feel free to use your god-like moderator privleges to kill this post, it honestly wouldn't surprise me if you do.
My record as a moderator speaks for itself Renegade. You of all people know this and it hurts me greatly that you would imply that I would abuse the privileges that Shrapnel has extended to me.

Any time you feel that I have abused my moderator position, I would hope that you would contact Shrapnel and let them know.


As for the your attitude here Renegade, well lets just say that I apologize for pissing you off. CN is just a game like any other. I thought I was doing a nice thing, but like with all good intentions, they come back to bite you in the ***. So again, you and your member nations are on your own. I wish you all well.
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Old December 4th, 2007, 08:43 PM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: OT: Cyber Nation

Atrocities said:
My record as a moderator speaks for itself Renegade. You of all people know this and it hurts me greatly that you would imply that I would abuse the privileges that Shrapnel has extended to me.

Any time you feel that I have abused my moderator position, I would hope that you would contact Shrapnel and let them know.
My apologies, I was out of line when I made that comment; it shall be edited out of my post. My anger got the best of me, a condition I attempt to prevent from happening, but sometimes fail at.

Again your lack of complete insight amazes me. I thought for sure after reading your post I would stop laughing, but it hasn't happened yet. So please excuse me as I take the evil alliance that I belong to and leave you and your group to your fate.
To you, lack of insight, to me, common sense. Lets just agree to disagree and leave it at that.

As for the your attitude here Renegade, well lets just say that I apologize for pissing you off. CN is just a game like any other. I thought I was doing a nice thing, but like with all good intentions, they come back to bite you in the ***. So again, you and your member nations are on your own. I wish you all well.
Please don't think that I speak for all the members of the WP, I only speak for myself. Perhaps you were attempting to do the right thing, I don't doubt you did have good intentions. However, your attitude came off arrogant and condescending, which is what really set my temper flaring, as such things seriously piss me off.
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Old December 4th, 2007, 08:46 PM
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Default Re: OT: Cyber Nation

You are right, I had no right to throw stones at you our your alliance. I was out of line.
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Old December 4th, 2007, 10:44 PM
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Default Re: OT: Cyber Nation

I normally only check these boards once a day.

The only reason I came back the second time today was that I got an e-mail notification of a reply to a PM I sent.

The only reason I've come back a third time is that I'm still too ticked off to concentrate on any of the things I normally do to chill out. I have been having a "bad day" for most of the last two months.

Out in the real world, the holidays are always a rough time for me. This year in particular, I am in the middle of a near "perfect storm" of stress, and I do not need my hobbies to make things worse, rather than help.

I'm glad to see that at least Renegade understands my viewpoint. Otherwise, I don't think anything that anyone has posted since my last rant deserves the response I'm tempted to give it right now.

(And don't anybody dare say that they hope things get better for me, because I have no realistic expectation of that happening before December 30th, at the earliest.)
Cap'n Q

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Old December 4th, 2007, 11:49 PM
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Default Re: OT: Cyber Nation

I was out of line with you Capnq, and I hope that the 30th comes quickly for you this year.
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Old December 5th, 2007, 03:52 AM
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Default Re: OT: Cyber Nation

Might as well chime in...

To capnq: Sorry you feel that you are forced into a leadership position you do not want. If I had logged on before you did, it would probably be me that declared on the raider (along with a "hey, not cool, quick attacking us" message sent to the raider and whoever looks like alliance "leadership"). Then, I would probably be in even worse shape than I ended up, probably being beaten to a pulp in the offensive war and the three defensive I ended up getting, but oh well, that's just how I play. As it was, I didn't log in until I was already hit by three others, and in no shape to do much of anything.

To capnq and Renegade13: I think the three of us are in agreement about sticking with WP and avoiding the rules of other alliances. Requirements to change team color, mandatory forum participation (I visit enough forums as is, thankyouverymuch), crazy MDP obligations, and there was even one that required members to never leave... EVER. No thanks.

To Atrocities and Strategia: Glad your alliances are working out for you. It is just not the right thing for me. Every time I look at the whole political side of the alliances in CN, I am astounded by how juvenile it all is; I feel like I am going back to junior high, and not in a good way. The only alliance I would even consider is one that allows me to communicate through PM, with the occasional IRC session, without needing to join forums, an alliance that is ok with me not being around daily (being gone for weeks at a time if necessary), an alliance that has zero agreements higher than ODAP, an alliance that doesn't care if I keep my color and the trade agreements that I am happy with. Show me the alliance that allows me that flexibility, and I'll consider joining. So far, the only one I've found is WP.

And to all: It is a game. Do try to get not so worked up over things. It is supposed to be fun.

--edit: And when I log in, I see someone else from Nueva Vida has attacked Ragnaroc... I had already warned one of them that what they were doing looked an awful lot like forced recruitment, which tends to be looked down upon, and they should back off. Seems now they haven't taken the hint. I'm taking screenshots of the evidence I have now, if the stuff doesn't stop I'll be posting it and let them deal with whatever consequences may come their way.
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Old December 5th, 2007, 04:32 AM
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Default Re: OT: Cyber Nation

I pretty much stopped the game because it comes down to conditional etiquette. As for the wolfpack attack on WP to me it was pretty much cowardice, but to others it's just a "part of the game" because we appearantly lacked the cohesiveness to "properly" defend ourselves.

Either way it wasn't worth my time reading the forums to discover the countless etiquettes involved in a game that allows you to grow stronger by paying money as opposed to actually working at it.
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Old December 5th, 2007, 09:29 AM
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Default Re: OT: Cyber Nation

CN forums are pure unadulterated evil. Avoid them at all costs.
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