Originally Posted by Xrati
A PzK II or 2cm FlaK would work wonders on those charging hordes.
 The right weapons for the right job!
Not the SP or soft 2cm flak at that range - too close, can reply with rifles etc. Ditto any MMG teams - best beyond 500m.
He has the correct direct fire tool already there - the short 75mm P4. Although one is screened ATM, use the ones which are in LOS to fire into stacked piles of enemy infantry, targeting those with most neighbours in adjacent hexes. 75mm guns have HE splash into the adjacent hex (unlike 50mm and 37mm) and so that way you get to spread the joy amongst the enemy infantrymen.
Fire 2-3 rounds into one packed clump, and then feel free to target another clump with 2, and so on. Then use up any remaining coax and bow MG shots. Only then, decide if you have suppressed them enough to fire your riflemen, or if you want to leave them with all shots ready for reaction fires. Try firing one of the further away sections, in cover, and if the enemy response is too frisky then it's probably best to leave them for reaction fires.
Keep applying the medicine over 2-4 moves until they start to fall back and possibly rout. Remember, the idea is to get as many of the sections suppressed or worse that the enemy HQ's rallying fails due to being overwhelmed by numbers of sections needing attention
at the same time, and
not killing individual sections (yet). Go for the kill markers when they are mainly
broken and are heading offski.
Naturally, he should be calling his indirect fire support boys up to send some "presents" as well... every little bit of HE helps!